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WODCA 2025 — Workshop on Optimization, Dynamics, and Convex Analysis
11. Jun 2025 - 14. Jun 2025 • Aveiro, Portugal
University of Aveiro, Department of Mathematics
The Workshop on Optimization, Dynamics, and Control Applications (WODCA 2025) is organized by a team of professors and researchers from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Aveiro, with the scientific support of CIDMA—Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications—and the University of Algarve. This edition of WODCA is dedicated to celebrating the 65th anniversary of Prof. Alexander Plakhov, recognizing his remarkable scientific career and the impact of his contributions to the mathematical community. With more than 25 years of dedication to the University of Aveiro, Prof. Plakhov has published over 100 papers and books and has played a central role in research on Optimization, Graph Theory, and Combinatorics at CIDMA, a group he has been coordinating since 2018. The workshop aims to bring together researchers working in areas such as Billiard Theory, Dynamical Systems, Optimal Mass Transportation, Control, and Optimization, fostering the exchange of ideas and the development of new scientific collaborations.
Tel.: [+351919010052];     Email: tatiana@ua.pt
Billiards, Optimal mass transport, the Kakeya needle problem, Convex Geometry, Calculus of Variations, Applications of Mathematics in Mechanics, Dynamical Systems, Optimal Control, Mathematical Modelling, Mathematical Programming, Convex analysis, Convex Optimization, Integer Programming.

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Stand vom 11. Februar 2025