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CAIM 25 — The 32nd Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics
18. Sep 2025 - 25. Sep 2025 • Bukarest, Rumänien
The Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
CAIM series provide a forum for the review of the recent trends in applied and industrial mathematics either from a qualitative or from a numerical point of view. The conference has also sections for computer sciences and the theoretical branches of mathematics like algebra or geometry. A special section of the conference is dedicated to the mathematical teaching.
Tel.: [0744427589];     Email: conferences.caim@yahoo.com
Partial Differential Equations; Ordinary Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems; Mathematical Modeling in Engineering and Life Sciences; Real, Complex, Functional and Numerical Analysis; Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics, Operations Research; Algebra, Logic, Geometry; Computer Science; Education

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Stand vom 29. Dezember 2024