Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Cours et évènements pour étudiants en mathématiques  >  Allemagne

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New Perspectives on Discriminants and Applications
23 jui 2025 - 04 jul 2025 • Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig, Allemagne
Simons Laufer Mathematical Sciences Institute (SLMath)
This summer school will offer a hands-on introduction to discriminants, with a view towards modern applications. Starting from the basics of computational algebraic geometry and toric geometry, the school will gently introduce participants to the foundations of discriminants. A particular emphasis will be put on computing discriminants of polynomial systems using computer algebra software. Then, we will dive into three applications of discriminants: algebraic statistics, geometric modeling, and particle physics. Here, discriminants contribute to the study of maximum likelihood estimation, to finding practical parametrizations of geometric objects, and to computations of scattering amplitudes. We will explain recently discovered unexpected connections between these three applications. In addition to lectures, the summer school will have daily collaborative exercise sessions which will be guided by the teaching assistants and will include software demonstrations.
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Summer school on formulas of Siegel and Weil
29 sep 2025 - 02 oct 2025 • Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Allemagne
The summer school is about formulas of Siegel and Weil and its impact in the theory of sphere packings, number theory, and geometry. The summer school takes place at Bielefed University.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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