Conférences  >  Physique  >  Physique mathématique  >  Allemagne

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Microlocal and global analysis, interactions with geometry
10 fév 2025 - 14 fév 2025 • Potsdam , Allemagne
University of Potsdam
The meeting is part of a series of meetings initiated by Professor Schulze devoted to micro-local, singular and global analysis and their interactions with geometry and mathematical physics.
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Conference on mathematics of wave phenomena 2025
24 fév 2025 - 28 fév 2025 • Karlsruhe , Allemagne
The mathematical modeling, simulation and analysis of wave phenomena entail a plethora of fascinating and challenging problems both in analysis and numerical mathematics. During the past decades, these challenges have inspired a number of important approaches, developments and results about wave-type equations in both fields of mathematics. In this conference we want to bring together international experts with different background to stimulate the transfer of ideas, results, and techniques within this exciting area.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Trimester Program — Probabilistic methods in quantum field theory
05 mai 2025 - 15 aou 2025 • Bonn, Allemagne
QMath16 — Mathematical results in quantum theory
01 sep 2025 - 05 sep 2025 • Munich, Allemagne
Technical University of Munich
The conference series "Mathematical Results in Quantum Theory" brings together people interested in the mathematical theory of quantum mechanics. QMATH16 takes place on the Garching Research Campus of the Technical University of Munich.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
DMB25-01 — EMBO Workshop Developmental metabolism: flows of energy, matter, and information
09 sep 2025 - 12 sep 2025 • Heidelberg, Allemagne
EMBL Heidelberg
The fundamental question of the role of metabolism in development has seen a revival in interest over recent years, creating the need for the first edition of this workshop in 2023. This second edition is set to reunite the community two years on, and to ensure the ongoing interactions that can propel progress in developmental metabolism. In this rapidly advancing field, metabolomic methods play a crucial role in unraveling complex processes. The workshop will again aim to bring together researchers from diverse backgrounds: developmental biology, genetics, epigenetics, ecology, physics and math, to provide the developmental metabolism community with cutting-edge research and methodologies applied across scales, insights into the latest advancements in metabolomic techniques and their application to developmental biology. New for 2025 will be an increased integration of tool development and technologies and an added focus on novel metabolomic approaches.
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