Conferences  >  Mathematics  >  Calculus, Differential Equations and Integration  >  China

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Partial Differential Equations: Deterministic and Probabilistic
18 Aug 2024 - 23 Aug 2024 • Hangzhou, China
Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (IASM)
There have been vast breakthroughs in the area of PDEs with singular randomness in the past a few years, notably parabolic PDEs with singular random noise, and (deterministic) dispersive PDEs with singular random initial data. A common feature of these two types of problems is that the randomness present is too singular for nonlinear operations in the equation to be well-defined classically, but on the other hand magical cancellations from these randomness also allow treatment of these equations with the help of probabilistic methods. Recent research in these two areas also brings potential interaction with the field of inverse problems from PDEs. This workshop will provide opportunity for senior and young researchers from the above areas to meet, discuss, and inspire each other. We aim to foster collaborations between different communities and inspire new research ideas.
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 19 September 2023