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Infectious Diseases in Primary Care
23. Okt 2024 - 25. Okt 2024 • Live Streatming, Virtuelle Veranstaltung
Harvard Medical School
This acclaimed course, which is among the highest-rated Harvard Medical School CME courses, provides comprehensive ID updates for primary care clinicians. PHYSICIANs, NPs, and PAs can rely on this program for 1) Education that ensures state-of-the-art care; 2) Strategies to improve diagnosis, prevention, and treatment; 3) Guidance to incorporate recent advances and new innovations into day-to-day practice. This course provides education to optimize outcomes for patients with common, challenging, and complex infectious diseases. Education is practical, providing answers to the infectious diseases questions primary care clinicians have every day.
Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Medical Education;     Email: CEPrograms@hms.harvard.edu
Harvard, CME, Immunization, Lyme, COVID-19, infection, vaccine, HIV, MRSA, Hepatitis, UTI, STI, pneumonia, flu, gastroenteritis, travel medicine, respiratory, coronavirus, C. difficile, H. pylori, antibiotics, antibiotic allergy, tuberculosis, respiratory

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Stand vom 26. Mai 2024