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Visual Inspection in Parenterals Summit 2025
05. Jun 2025 - 06. Jun 2025 • Prag, Tschechische Republik
Uventia Global
The Visual Inspection in Parenterals summit is a premier event that brings together experts from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors to explore best practices, technologies and advancements in the visual inspection of parenteral products. Parenterals, which include injectable drugs and biologics, require stringent quality control measures to ensure their safety and efficacy. This conference will cover a wide range of topics such as the latest innovations in automated and manual visual inspection techniques, detection of particulate matter, container-closure integrity and regulatory requirements. Attendees will gain insights into cutting-edge technologies, industry standards and case studies aimed at enhancing the accuracy and reliability of visual inspections. The event will also provide valuable networking opportunities for professionals to collaborate and share expertise, fostering improvements in product quality and patient safety. This conference is essential for anyone involved in the manufacturing, testing and regulation of parenteral products.
Email: info@uventia.com
Regulatory and Compendial Requirements for Visual Inspection, Lifecycle Approach in Visual Inspection and Particle Management, Risk-Based Validation Case Studies, Inspector Training and Qualification, Deep Learning (DL) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Visual Inspection, Defect Classifications: Categorizing Defects and Nonconformities, Particulate Matter: Classification, Characterization & Control, Container Integrity Inspection and Leak Detection, New solutions for quality control of difficult to inspect parenterals

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Stand vom 25. Februar 2025