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MediaCom — Digital Perspectives & Global Narratives in New Media Communication
22. Jan 2025 - 23. Jan 2025 • VIRTUAL EVENT, Marokko
CEOS.pp ISCAP. Porto Portugal and ALCS Chouaib Doukkali University Morocco
This international conference seeks to explore the complexities of new media communications. In doing so, it aspires to contribute to a more refined and harmonious global dialogue. By promoting ethical storytelling and diverse perspectives, the conference aims to responsibly leverage the transformative power of narratives to enhance societal well-being and mitigate conflicts.
COORDINATORS;     Email: media-com@sciencesconf.org
Education and New Media Communication Language and Translation in Digital Narratives Communication Ethics in New Media Cultural Studies and Digital Narratives Film, Cinema and New Media Arts, Literature and New Media Global Dialogue and Diverse Perspectives Conflict Mitigation through Storytelling Visual Narratives in Digital Advertising Storytelling in Digital Marketing Communication
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Stand vom 28. November 2024