Conférences  >  Mathématiques  >  Réseaux de neurones et intelligence artificielle, apprentissage automatique  >  Maroc

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COCIA'2025 — The 3rd International Conference on on Connected Objects and Artificial Intelligence
16 avr 2025 - 18 avr 2025 • Casablanca, Maroc
Higher School of Technology of Casablanca, Hassan II University – Morocco
The Higher School of Technology of Casablanca, Hassan II University – Morocco in collaboration with the AMaCTIA Association, The Laboratory of Networks, Computer Science, Telecommunication & Multimedia (RITM). Organizes The Third edition of the International Conference on on Connected Objects and Artificial Intelligence (COCIA’2025). We are pleased to announce that 2025 3rd International Conference on on Connected Objects and Artificial Intelligence (COCIA’2025) will be held in Casablanca, Morocco during April 16_18, 2025.
General chair;     Tél.: [+212661607685];     Email.:
Connected Objects : Design of connected objects, Connected Systems, Industrial IoT IoT architecture for intelligent environments IoT Edge and Cloud Architectures IoT Communication Technologies Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in IoT Robotic IoT Systems Smart Systems IoT for Healthcare, e-Health Artificial Intelligence : IA for embedded systems, IA for IoT, Big data for IoT IA for biomedicine, Biological models for IA Artificial Intelligence and Databases Cognitive intelligence in vehicular networks Intelligent systems for software computing Sensor-based intelligent systems Intelligent systems for wireless applications Intelligent robotics Intelligent embedded systems Intelligent sensors and sensing application Telecommunications : Antennas, RF, Wireless Sensor 5G and next generation Communication systems and Network Analog and Digital Signal Processing Biomedical signal processing RFID and BLE technologies in intelligent systems Electronics engineering: Analog and digital circuit design Electronic devices and sensors Electronics and embedded systems Electronic Systems, Energy Systems Smart Homes, Cities and Communities Smart Grids & Microgrids
Identifiant de l'évènement:
JIAMA25 — 3rd edition of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics
20 mai 2025 - 21 mai 2025 • Al_hoceima, Maroc
ENSA Al-Hoceima
ENSA Al-Hoceima;     Tél.: [+212660600793];     Email.:
IA, applied mathematics, computer sciences, Modelisation, Numerical analysis, Simulation
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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