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Hämatologie für Neugierige
18 Sep 2024 • Leipzig, Germany
event lab. GmbH
Die immer komplexer werdenden Patientenverläufe erfordern intensive Recherchen und kollegialen Austausch. Einige ausgewählte Fragen werden Schwerpunkt der Fortbildung sein, welche die spezielle Fallvorstellung und einen dazu komplementären Übersichtsvortrag beinhaltet.
Hämatologie, Weiterbildung
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The 9th Congress on Controversies in Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies (COSTEM)
24 Oct 2024 - 27 Oct 2024 • Berlin, Germany
CME Congresses
The COSTEM Congress is a platform for our community to interact with each other and to share our scientific research, clinical experience, and on-going developments in our field. COSTEM encourages active participation in debate discussions and challenges global experts to promote their positions on a wide range of burning issues – providing clinicians the opportunity to share, express and compare experiences in order to establish and advance effective and reliable patient treatments. COSTEM 2024 will continue to push the envelope and be a progressive, compelling and informative congress, where the most compelling and controversial topics facing clinicians in our field are presented in a fascinating and exciting debate forum.
Event Secretariat;     Email:
Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Myeloproliferative Neoplasms, Lymphoma and Myeloma, Non-malignancies, Pediatrics, Autoimmune Diseases, Cell Therapy, cytotoxic T lymphocytes
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2. LGS — 2. Leipziger Gerinnungssymposium
09 Nov 2024 • Leipzig, Germany
Medizinisches Zentrallabor – Abteilung Transfusionsmedizin und Klinische Hämostaseologie, Klinik für Hämatologie, Zelltherapie und Hämostaseologie Bereich Hämostaseologie, MVZ Labor Dr. Reising-Ackermann und Kollegen
event lab. GmbH;     Phone: [0341 30 88 84 62];     Email:
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Related subject(s): offers, as part of its business activities, a directory of upcoming scientific and technical meetings. The calendar is published for the convenience of conference participants and we strive to support conference organisers who need to publish their upcoming events. Although great care is being taken to ensure the correctness of all entries, we cannot accept any liability that may arise from the presence, absence or incorrectness of any particular information on this website. Always check with the meeting organiser before making arrangements to participate in an event!

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Last updated: 24 April 2024