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GABY — GABY 2024
17 Jun 2024 - 21 Jun 2024 • Milan, Italy
University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Mathematics
The third edition of the GABY conference will take place at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Milan, Italy)from June 17 through June 21, 2024. The conference is aimed mainly at young researchers working in group theory, algebras and related topics. The conference will offer the following three mini-courses: "The interplay of R-matrices and Quantum Groups" by Andrea Appel, University of Parma; "Computational group theory: bedrock and new frontiers" by Melissa Lee, Monash University; "Burnside groups and groups acting on rooted trees" by Anitha Thillaisundaram, Lund University. Participants can contribute with a talk or a poster. Some funds may be available to cover accommodation for some participants. The deadline for registering is May 31, 2024. There is a conference fee of 75€ that must be paid by May 31. The fee is reduced to 50€ for those who register and pay by April 30. The fee can also be paid upon arrival, in which case it is increased to 100€. The registration is considered complete after the payment of the fee.
algebra, group theory, groups, quantum groups, trees, combinatorics, representation theory, graph theory, geometry,
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Last updated: 1 March 2024