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AFRIC 2 — 2nd Actuarial, Finance, Risk and Insurance Congress
08 Jun 2025 - 13 Jun 2025 • Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
AFRIC has been designed to be a premier non-profit making Actuarial Science academic conference that will be rotationally hosted across Africa, bringing together academics and practitioners with research interests across all specialty areas of actuarial science, risk management, and financial system regulation. AFRIC aims to enhance the research culture within Africa's actuarial community. Hence, key topical areas including climate extremes, longevity risk, pensions, and insurance regulations, among others, form part of the AFRIC agenda. AFRIC will bring talent to a talented audience with massive potential of impacting their respective countries and societies. AFRIC is partnering with various universities across Africa and around the globe, actuarial societies, insurance regulators, and financial institutions. Pre-conference workshops will be run at each AFRIC gathering to provide hands-on skills for tackling critical challenges in today’s world. For AFRIC 2, the pre-conference workshop will cover aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change and GIS with stylised focus on Africa and will be run by renowned practitioners and academics who are subject matter experts for each theme.
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 26 January 2025