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DySyX'2025 — 2nde International Workshop on Advance in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Complex Networks and Applications
22 May 2025 - 23 May 2025 • Kenitra, Morocco
DySyX'2025 is a two days workshop organized by Faulty of Sciences of Kénitra (LAGA), Ibn Tofail University and Le Havre Normandie University (LMAH). It will focus on recent advances in dynamical systems, complex networks, and applications in some fields of science and engineering. This meeting will provide a joint forum for leading applied mathematicians and scientists actively working in the diverse fields of life sciences in order to exchange ideas, advance the knowledge of research, discuss future research challenges, and explore opportunities for collaborative exchange and education. There will be several guest talks covering such recent trends.
Theories, Concepts and Méthodologies Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Modelling ODE, Delay DE, Stochastics DE, Stochastics DDE, Statistics, PDE, Delay PDE, Stochastics PDE, Complex networks, Complex Systems, Synchronization Bifurcations, Chaos. Applications Biological Networks Bio-Systems & Bio-Mathematics Ecology, Environmental Sciences and Ecosystems Epidemiology & Eco-Epidemiology Neuroscience
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 18 January 2025