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Western Mediterranean CME Cruise (08.15.2025-08.27.2025; aboard the Celebrity Eclipse)
15 Aug 2025 - 27 Aug 2025 • Amsterdam, Netherlands
CBT Canada
The Three Pepper CME will heat up your practice! We'll be covering three SpicyPsychUpdate collections: Cayenne, Habanero & Jalapeno. Each three-hour collection covers thirty recent and clinically useful papers (for over ninety papers total over the course of the cruise). Five scoring criteria are used in selecting the thirty scientific papers that form the basis of each collection: 1) recent; 2) high quality; 3) clinically useful; 4) personally useful; and 5) spicy (i.e., interesting). To boost the pep, we cut into a fresh paper about every five minutes.
CBT Canada;     Phone: [877-466-8228];     Email:
CBT; cognitive behavior therapy; psychology; psychiatry; CBT tips, tools, and techniques; mental health; mental wellbeing; family medicine; primary care; general medicine; recent studies; high quality; clinically useful; personally useful; interesting studies
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 28 August 2024