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FG 2024 — The 18th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition
27 May 2024 - 31 May 2024 • Istanbul, Türkiye
The IEEE conference series on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition is the premier international forum for research in image and video-based face, gesture, and body movement recognition. Its broad scope includes advances in fundamental computer vision, pattern recognition, and computer graphics; machine learning techniques relevant to face, gesture, and body motion; interdisciplinary research on behavioral analysis; new algorithms and applications. For this year, our conference theme is on privacy and ethical issues of FG research.
Face recognition & biometrics, Face analysis and synthesis, Body action and activity recognition, Gesture recognition, analysis, and synthesis, Affective computing and multi-modal interaction, Psychological and behavioral analysis, Perceptual and cognitive aspects of non-verbal interaction, Databases and tools for FG, Technologies and applications related to FG, Privacy and ethical issues of FG
Abstract submission deadline:
18 Sep 2023
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 30 June 2023