Conferences  >  Informatics  >  Networks, Internet

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ICT 2024 — 17th International Conference on ICT, Society and Human Beings 2024
13 Jul 2024 - 15 Jul 2024 • Budapest, Hungary
The effects of ICT on human beings as well as the interaction between ICT, individuals, and society are all within the focus of this conference. Both analyses of interactions and effects are important. Changes in behaviour, perspectives, values, competencies, human and psychological aspects and feelings are all of interest. Reflections on past, present, and future challenges – especially planning to handle the future – are encouraged. The conference pays attention to societal changes, global and more local organisational and institutional changes, changes in values and in lifestyles, as well as individual cognitive effects and changes, motivational and emotional changes. It also appeals to solution-building in terms of desirable goals and actions for reaching a Good Information Society. In general all types of research strategies are encouraged, and especially cross-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary studies. Case studies, broader empirical field studies, theoretical analyses, cross-cultural studies, scenarios, ethnographic studies, epistemological analyses may all be presented.
Conference Secretariat;     Email:
Computer science; ICT; Globalisation; Quality of Working Life; ICT and effects on humans; E-cooperation, E-democracy, ICT and effects on humans, Cyber sickness; Psychosocial impact
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Dagstuhl-Seminar — Programmable Host Networking
14 Jul 2024 - 19 Jul 2024 • Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
Most networked applications spend a significant amount of time on communication, and the software libraries and hardware used for communication often determines their performance (both throughput and latency), and their resource requirements. In the past decade, we have seen several efforts to improve communication performance and efficiency at the end-host. These include kernel bypass libraries such as DPDK, new kernel interfaces such as io_uring, in-kernel network offloads provided by XDP and eBPF, and SmartNICs of a variety of types. Each of these approaches makes trade-offs in terms of their performance, how easily they can be deployed (in private clusters and multi-tenant environments), their resource requirement, the reliability they provide, and how easy it is for programmers to use them when building networked applications. We are organizing this Dagstuhl Seminar to bring together people who work on systems, networking, programming languages, compilers, computer architecture, and distributed systems to work together to articulate and understand these trade-offs, and collectively propose approaches to improve usability, reliability, deployability, and analysis of high-performance networking software and hardware.
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BIRS Workshop — Causal Inference and Prediction for Network Data
18 Aug 2024 - 23 Aug 2024 • Banff, Alberta, Canada
Banff International Research Station (BIRS) for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery
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Webs Week 2024 — World Conference on Web 3.0 & IoT
16 Sep 2024 - 18 Sep 2024 • Frankfurt, Germany
The People Events
The World Conference on Web 3.0 & IoT, also known as Webs Week 2024, where groundbreaking innovations and cutting-edge technologies are set to reshape the digital landscape. This exciting event is scheduled to take place from September 16-18, 2024, in the vibrant city of Frankfurt, Germany. With Web 3.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) at the forefront, this conference promises to be a game-changer. It’s where industry leaders, tech enthusiasts, innovators, and visionaries come together to explore the limitless possibilities of the next-generation web.
Event Director;     Phone: [+49 176 1243 1881];     Email:
game design, virtual world platforms, Blockchain Developer, blockchain infrastructure decentralized apps (DApps), smart contracts, implement blockchain solutions, Programming languages like Solidity, knowledge of blockchain protocols (e.g., Ethereum), cryptography, Metaverse Architect, virtual environments, Knowledge of virtual world technologies, user experience (UX) design, metaverse ecosystems, AI and Machine Learning Specialist, AI-driven features and solutions within the metaverse, AI-powered NPCs (non-player characters), chatbots, natural language processing for virtual interactions., Machine learning, , deep learning, data science, programming skills, Virtual Commerce Manager, virtual spaces, Virtual marketplaces, digital asset tradin, integration of cryptocurrency payments, knowledge of cryptocurrencies, digital asset management, Metaverse Community Manager, Metaverse Ethicist/Ethical Designer, digital well-being, Metaverse Content Creator, virtual fashion, art, and multimedia experiences for virtual environments, digital artistry, Virtual Reality (VR) Developer, VR games, training applications within the metaverse, VR development tools (e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine), VR hardware knowledge, Metaverse Legal and Compliance Expert, virtual property rights, intellectual property, digital contracts, virtual asset ownership, Decentralization, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Cryptocurrency, Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT), Interoperability, Web 3.0 Protocols:IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), DAT, and ActivityPub that enable, decentralized web applications, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), Web3 Identity, Tokenization, Metaverse, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Semantic Web, Machine Learning, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Token Standards, Web 3.0 Browsers, Consensus Mechanisms: Protocols like Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS) used for blockchain consensus, AO Governance, Cross-Chain Integration, Web 3.0 Development Tools
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ECOC 2024 — European Conference on Optical Communication
22 Sep 2024 - 26 Sep 2024 • Frankfurt am Main, Germany
The European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) is Europe’s leading conference on optical communications, and one of the largest and most prestigious events in the field worldwide. The conference brings together experts and leaders from academia, research and industry across the globe to share their latest breakthroughs and visions for the future. ECOC is the ideal place for you to expand your knowledge, discuss new ideas, and network with others. It encompasses everything from the materials and devices that make optical communication possible, to the systems and networks that use them. 50 years of ECOC! We are looking forward to celebrating this special anniversary with you in 2024!
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Forum Single Pair Ethernet
23 Oct 2024 • Munich, Germany
WEKA Fachmedien GmbH
Der Wechsel von einer vier- oder achtadrigen Verkabelung auf eine zweiadrige Verkabelung ist ein großer technischer Fortschritt: Mit Single Pair Ethernet lassen sich Platz, Gewicht und Installationsaufwand reduzieren, Kosten senken und Rohmaterialien wie Kupfer einsparen. Noch wichtiger aber ist, dass sich auf einfache Weise eine durchgängige Kommunikation bis hin zu den kleinsten Geräten realisieren lässt! Es entsteht die digitale Infrastruktur von morgen. Für Anwendungen in der Automatisierung, der Gebäudeautomation und dem Transportwesen stehen die entsprechenden Komponenten zum Einsatz bereit; jetzt beginnt die spannende Phase der Implementierung! Was müssen Entscheider wissen? Wie wird aus Theorie nun Praxis? Das 3. Forum Single Pair Ethernet bietet eine anwendungsübergreifende Plattform, um die Technologie ganzheitlich zu verstehen – von der Komponente bis zum System.
Abstract submission deadline:
15 May 2024
Event listing ID:
Related subject(s):
OFC 2025 — Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition
30 Mar 2025 - 03 Apr 2025 • San Francisco, California, United States
Event listing ID:
1555701 offers, as part of its business activities, a directory of upcoming scientific and technical meetings. The calendar is published for the convenience of conference participants and we strive to support conference organisers who need to publish their upcoming events. Although great care is being taken to ensure the correctness of all entries, we cannot accept any liability that may arise from the presence, absence or incorrectness of any particular information on this website. Always check with the meeting organiser before making arrangements to participate in an event!

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Last updated: 28 January 2024