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CHR25-01 — EMBL Conference Chromatin and epigenetics
13. Mai 2025 - 16. Mai 2025 • Heidelberg, Deutschland
EMBL Heidelberg
Epigenetics refers to heritable changes in gene expression that do not involve changes to the underlying DNA sequence. At least three systems including DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs (ncRNA) are considered to play fundamental roles in epigenetic regulation. Research over the last two decades has uncovered the role of epigenetics in a variety of human disorders and fatal diseases. Moreover influence of age, environment, lifestyle, and disease state on epigenetic states is being increasingly appreciated and actively studied. This conference provides an international forum for cutting edge research in chromatin and epigenetics. It provides the “focal hub” for people to present their research and exchange ideas.
EMBL Events;     Email: events@embl.de
Chromatin, epigenetics, #EMBLChromatin
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
GRG25-01 — EMBL Conference Gene regulation: one molecule at a time
15. Jun 2025 - 18. Jun 2025 • Heidelberg, Deutschland
EMBL Heidelberg
In the last 20 years, genomics has revolutionised our understanding of genome organisation and its regulation. It led to near complete annotation of the genome and the factors regulating expression of our genes. Yet, almost all of this knowledge arises from experiments that sample millions of regulatory events to create an average static picture that fails to capture the mechanistic steps and the dynamics that underlie these complex processes. The last decade has seen the independent emergence in the field of microscopy and genomics of technologies able to study gene regulatory processes at the resolution of individual DNA molecules. Joining the power of these orthogonal approaches promise to bring us towards a molecular understanding of gene regulation mechanisms in vivo.
EMBL Events;     Email: events@embl.de
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
EES25-08 — EMBO | EMBL Symposium The human microbiome
16. Sep 2025 - 19. Sep 2025 • Heidelberg, Deutschland
EMBL Heidelberg
Human microbiota – the collection of microbes living in and on our body – have a significant impact on human health and well-being. They have been associated with numerous diseases, yet we are still far from understanding their role in the context of lifestyle and genetics. Various initiatives are underway around the world to survey the human microbiota at several body sites, characterise them, understand their interactions with the human hosts, elucidate their role in diseases, and design possible therapeutic or dietary interventions. There is a new wave of studies mining the human microbiota for health-relevant bioactive compounds, for characterising specific microbial strains and for cataloguing the human microbiota from all across the globe. This conference will provide plentiful opportunities for researchers to learn about and to connect to important developments in studying the human microbiota.
EMBL Events;     Email: events@embl.de
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
MGE25-01 — EMBL Conference The mobile genome: genetic and physiological impacts of transposable elements
04. Nov 2025 - 07. Nov 2025 • Heidelberg, Deutschland
EMBL Heidelberg
Disparaged as “selfish DNA” for decades, it’s now clear that transposable elements (TEs) underlie the remarkably dynamic nature of bacterial, plant, and animal genomes. This conference builds on the highly successful 2021 and 2023 Mobile Genome EMBO workshops and has emerged as the major European venue in this ever-growing cross-disciplinary research field. The 2025 Mobile Genome conference will assemble recognized experts from diverse disciplines (e.g., genomics, epigenetics, structural biology, evolutionary biology, and developmental biology), as well as the next generation of scientists who will become leaders in the field, to discuss the broad impact of TEs on organismal biology. A dedicated discussion session focused on technological and conceptual advances will augment the program to provide a forum for cross-disciplinary interaction among attendees with the goal of catalyzing collaborative opportunities to address new questions and challenges in TE research.
Julia Patricia Nohle;     Email: julia.nohle@embl.de
Verwandte Fachgebiete:

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