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COLOURS — Cosmological Surveys and Synergies
02. Jun 2025 - 13. Jun 2025 • Orsay, Frankreich
COLOURS is a 2-week event aimed at ensuing that early-career researchers (ECR) are prepared to make the most of Stage-IV cosmological survey data. The first week of the event (02/06/25-06/06/25) will be a 5-day summer school aimed at improving both technical (software development, machine learning, statistics) and soft skills (academic writing, transferable skills). Site visits and social activities will also be organised. The second week (10/06/25-13/06/25) will be a 4-day workshop with invited speakers. The aim will be to review key lessons learned in the analysis of Stage-III data and the scientific aspirations of on-going and upcoming Stage-IV surveys.
Organiser;     Email: samuel.farrens@cea.fr
Cosmology, machine learning, software development, academic writing, transferable skills

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