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Pharmacovigilance UK & EU 2025
12. Feb 2025 - 13. Feb 2025 • London, Großbritannien
Virtue Insight
This event will bring together top pharmaceutical, biotechnology and regulatory representatives under one roof that will address the key issues of the industry. Take a chance and make it count by attending our event to network with your peers, exchange expertise and experiences, and arm yourself with the latest information to take your department to the next level. Get more from the event, with a broader scope bringing the whole communications value chain together. Enjoy and make the best out of our dedicated networking drinks time, meet the leading international vendors showcasing the products of tomorrow in the co-located exhibition.
Tel.: [+44 2035093779];     Email: Kavitha@virtueinsight.co.in
Pharmacovigilance, regulatory affairs, Drug Safety, Drug Development, patient safety, RiskManagement, Pharmaceuticals, healthcare

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Stand vom 19. November 2024