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Cancer 2025 — European Cancer and Oncology Congress
14. Apr 2025 - 15. Apr 2025 • Rom, Italien
The European Cancer and Oncology Congress, scheduled for April 14-15, 2025, in Rome, Italy, promises to be a pivotal event for professionals dedicated to advancing cancer research and treatment across Europe and beyond. This congress serves as a crucial platform for oncologists, researchers, clinicians, nurses, and allied healthcare professionals to exchange ideas, present cutting-edge research findings, and discuss the latest innovations in cancer diagnosis, treatment, and care.
Email: cancer@c2presearch.com
Cancer, Oncology, Psycho-Oncology, Cancer Genomics and Epigenetics, Cancer Immunotherapy, Cancer Drug Market
EAR-Mark Foundation for Cancer Research Conference: The Rise of Early-Onset Cancers - Biology, Causes, and Detection
11. Nov 2025 - 13. Nov 2025 • Bergamo, Italien
The European Association for Cancer Research (EACR) and The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research
Early-onset cancers are rising globally. Cancers typically associated with those over the age of 50 are increasingly being diagnosed in young adults. How to prevent and treat these tumours is still unknown. This conference aims to foster a deeper understanding of the biological mechanisms, risk factors, and clinical implications of early-onset cancers. By bringing together leading experts from diverse fields in cancer research, the meeting will provide a unique platform to discuss the latest discoveries about early-onset cancers, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and identifying strategies for early detection, prevention, and treatment. Special attention will be given to knowledge gaps, translational studies and healthcare disparities, and towards improving the clinical management of early-onset cancer patients. The target audience for this conference is researchers and physicians who are interested in the epidemiology and aetiology of sporadic cancers among younger adults to discuss key questions in the field and lay the foundations for generating a community dedicated to the study of early-onset cancers.
Conference Officer, Hannah Barrs;     Tel.: [N/A];     Email: hannah.barrs@eacr.org
cancer research, oncology, early-onset cancers, biological mechanisms of cancer, cancer risk factors, clinical implications, early detection, prevention, cancer treatment, cancer therapies, healthcare disparities, translational cancer research, clinical management of cancer patients, cancer epidemiology, cancer aetiology, molecular pathology, exposome changes, cancer microbiome, cancer immunity, the tumour microenvironment, carcinogenesis, cancer epigenetics, preclinical experimental models, microsimulation modelling, cancer, cancer survivorship.

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Stand vom 17. Februar 2025