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M2A25 — Mathematical Modeling with Applications
18. Feb 2025 - 20. Feb 2025 • Marrakech, Marokko
The M2A25 conference, hosted by the LAMAI laboratory in the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, Marrakesh, is organized within the framework of an APRD project funded by OCP Foundation and supported by CNRST, the Moroccan Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic and the Cadi Ayyad University.

The M2A25 conference is an international conference in which more than 20 countries are expected to be represented by more than 100 participants, consisting of academic researchers and scientists working in industry. The conference will cover different areas related to the application of numerical analysis to practical problems in engineering, industry, environment, medical imaging, and new image and information technologies. Participants will share their recent contributions and their experience in these fields.

Email: jbilou@univ-littoral.fr
Lahcen Maniar Marilena Mitrouli Ahmed Ratnani Lothar Reichel Carole Rosier Youcef Saad Hassane Sadok Hassan Safouhi Daniel Szyld

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Stand vom 10. November 2024