Conférences  >  Informatique  >  Réseaux sociaux et aspects sociaux des technologies de l'information  >  Géorgie

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IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Internet and Society"
06 oct 2023 - 07 oct 2023 • Kutaisi, Géorgie
Akaki Tsereteli State University
One of the basic peculiarities of contemporary world is an Internet and information technology development and their intensive introduction in various spheres of social life. In this respect it is important to review new scientific and practical research results in the Internet and information technology sphere and sharing the opinion and experience of scientists employed in this sphere. The review of opportunities and problems national Internet-segment and information technology, understanding of their role and importance in the country’s social-economic development is very urgent at the contemporary stage of development. The conference aims at review Internet and information technology use new research results in different spheres of social development.
Internet Technologies and Applications Internet legislation Social Networks E-Learning E-Business E-Government Information Society Computer Networks and Communications Modeling and Simulation Database and Data Mining Cloud Computing Enterprise Resource Planning Geographic Information System ICT in Education and Science ICT in Medicine and Health Care
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