Conférences  >  Informatique  >  Conception et gestion des bases de données, Moteurs de recherche et extraction de connaissances à pa  >  Croatie

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BIS-BDP 2025 — Business Intelligence Systems and Big Data Processing
04 jui 2025 • Opatija, Croatie
MIPRO Croatian Society
The term Business intelligence (BI) refers to applications and technologies used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information about company operations in order to help them to have a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business. BI systems usually lean on data warehouses (DWs) to guarantee an easy and quick access to information. More than twenty years of research in the data warehousing field paved the way for new applications that goes beyond traditional OLAP analysis and concern real-time, spatiotemporal as well as distributed data. Furthermore, BI research is now dealing with the integration of BI with Corporate Performance Management (CPM), Business Process Management (BPM), Social Business Intelligence, Semantic Web, and Big Data Processing.
Boris Vrdoljak - conference chair;     Tél.: [+38551423984];     Email.:
Data Warehouse and OLAP Business Intelligence Big Data Analytics - Algorithms, Techniques, Systems, User Interfaces Big Data Processing Big Data Analytics Applications in Science, Healthcare, Telecommunication, e-Business, etc., Data Science – Methods for Analyzing Scientific Data, Data Mining, Predictive and Descriptive Analytics and its Application in Science, Education, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Energy Providing, etc., Analytics for the Cloud Infrastructure, Social Network Analysis (SNA), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) and Social CRM, Analytics for Data Streams and Sensor Data, Edge Analytics, Analytics for Temporal, Spatial, Spatio-temporal and Mobile Data, Text, Web and Sentiment Analysis, Semantic Web and Semantic Data Integration, Education Management Information Systems, Business Information Systems, ERP and Supply Chain Management, Business Systems Integration, Business Process Management (BPM), Integration of Digital Twin and Big Data Technology
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