Conférences  >  Informatique  >  Gestion des connaissances, Big Data Computing  >  Irlande

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ISMLG — 4th International Symposium of Machine Learning and Big Data in Geoscience
29 aou 2023 - 01 sep 2023 • Cork, Irlande
University College Cork & TC309 Machine Learning and Big Data
The theme of the symposium is Data-centric solutions for reshaping the next generation geo-industries and the symposium is hosted by ISSMGE Technical Committee of Machine Learning & Big Data (TC309).
Development of benchmark datasets for geoscience and geo-industries - Development and application of innovative geotechnical monitoring technologies to subsurface engineering and geoscience - Gathering and processing of big data and metadata in geoscience and geoengineering - Big geodata mining, generation of big geodata by computational methods and etc. - Development and optimisation of machine learning algorithm for geoscience and geotechnics - Applying artificial intelligence to site investigation and geo-materials behaviour - Application of machine learning and data analytics for design, construction, maintenance of geotechnical assets during the whole-life cycle - Role of visual data analytics, virtual reality and data-centric technology in geosciences and beyond
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