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ICCES 2024 — 9th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems
16 dec 2024 - 18 dec 2024 • Coimbatore, Inde
PPG Institute of Technology
Following the consecutive success of Communication and Electronics Systems [CES], the conference committee is pleased to announce the 9th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems [ICCES 2024] in emerging information and communication technologies [ICT] and smart electronics. ICCES 2024 will be organized from PPG Institute of Technology Campus on 16-18 December 2024. ICCES 2024 seeks potential research submissions that solicit the state-of-the-art applications, innovative methods, and analyse the unexplored and unsolved challenges to establish the relative solutions to advance the existing applications and theories of ICT & smart electronics systems. Potential researchers and authors are invites to submit their novel, unpublished papers of significant research quality that addresses the advances and challenges in the interdisciplinary areas both system theories and applications.
Tél.: [09500406834];     Email.:
Track 1 : Electronics Low-Power Circuit Design for Wearable Electronics Hardware Security for Internet-of-Things (IoT) Devices High-Performance Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) for Next-Generation Systems RISC-V Processors for Secure and Efficient IoT Devices Hardware Accelerators for Machine Learning Wide-bandgap Semiconductor Devices for Power Electronics. Neuromorphic Computing for Artificial Intelligence Biomedical Electronics for Personalized Healthcare Emerging Memory Technologies for High-Performance Computing Track 2: Communication AI-powered Communication Networks for Smart Cities Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) Millimeter Wave (mmWave) Technologies for Ultra-High-Bandwidth Communications Quantum-inspired Communication Techniques Reliable and Secure Communication for Autonomous Vehicles Cognitive Radio Networks for Dynamic Spectrum Access Visible Light Communication (VLC) for Indoor Applications Nanosatellite and smart IoT Sustainable Computing and Communication Systems
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
17 sep 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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