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EDULEARN25 — 17th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
30. Jun 2025 - 02. Jul 2025 • Palma de Mallorca, Spanien
This conference will be an excellent opportunity to present and share your experiences in the fields of Education and New Learning Technologies in a multicultural and enriching atmosphere. Every year, EDULEARN brings together over 800 delegates from 80 different countries.
Technical Secretariat;     Tel.: [(+34) 96 344 62 37];     Email: edulearn25@iated.org
Education, Technology, Development, Research, E-Learning, MOOC, Social Media, New Learning Technologies, International Projects, Innovation, Science, Learning, Teaching, Higher Education, Further Education, Bologna Process, Industry, ECTS, University, Degree, Virtual University, Humanities, Quality Assurance, Engineering, Software, Games, Flipped Classroom, Mobile Learning, Blended Learning, Web 2.0, Educational Software, Serious Games, Social Networking, Blogs, Wikis, WEB 3D, Knowledge Management, Tutoring and Coaching, Curriculum Design, Lifelong Learning, Primary Education, Secondary Education, School, Employability, Virtual Laboratory.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
Thirty-Second International Conference on Learning
08. Jul 2025 - 10. Jul 2025 • Granada, Spanien
Common Ground Research Networks
Founded in 2011, The Learner Research Network is brought together around a common concern for learning in all its sites, formal and informal, and at all levels, from early childhood to schools, colleges and universities, and adult, community and workplace education. We seek to build an epistemic community where we can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries. As a Research Network, we are defined by our scope and concerns and motivated to build strategies for action framed by our shared themes and tensions.
Email: support@cgnetworks.org
education, learning, teaching, early childhood education, artificial intelligence, pedagogy, curriculums, lifelong learning,

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