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SDEC2024 — SingHealth Duke-NUS Education Conference 2024
27. Sep 2024 - 28. Sep 2024 • Singapore, Singapur
SingHealth Duke-NUS AMC
Join us for this landmark healthcare education event where healthcare professionals around the world converge, share knowledge, and lead the forefront of healthcare education. Submit your proposals to shape the conference programme by 18 Jan 24!
SDEC Secretariat;     Tel.: [65767109];     Email: educonf@singhealth.com.sg
healthcare, healthcare education, education
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
31. Mai 2024
10th CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2024 — Evolving Trends in Foreign Language Education: Past Lessons, Present Reflections, Future Directions
05. Dez 2024 - 07. Dez 2024 • Singapore, Singapur
Centre for Language Studies, National University of Singapore
Inaugurated in 2004, the biennial CLaSIC has been a platform for academics, researchers, and professionals from Asia and beyond, to showcase their current research and practices in foreign language education and related fields. Anticipating its landmark tenth iteration in 2024, we welcome all proposals of paper and poster presentations to share insights, experiences and perspectives on current and forthcoming developments in language pedagogy and its related disciplines for a more inclusive, effective and innovative Foreign Language Education.
Email: clasic@nus.edu.sg
Technological Paradigms, The Digital Shift, and Mobile Technologies, Innovative Instructional Approaches, Curriculum and Materials Development, Cultural and Language Diversities and Literacies, Language Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback, Learner Diversity and Challenges in Language Education, Teacher Education, Professional Development, Research Methods and Approaches, Emergent Themes in Language Education
Verwandte Fachgebiete:

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Stand vom 1. März 2024