Conférences  >  Informatique  >  Sécurité des systèmes d'information et protection de données  >  Royaume-Uni

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NCS 2024 — 16th International Conference on Network and Communications Security
27 jul 2024 - 28 jul 2024 • Londres, Royaume-Uni
16th International Conference on Network and Communications Security (NCS 2024) is a shift away from the traditional client-server model to systems based on the peer-to peer network, which allows users share resources effectively. Also, due to increase in number of Internet applications & users, the security issues and pivotal challenges include integrity verification, authentication, and access control etc., are also increasing. As a consequence, the subject of security protection in Network & Communication area has attracted intensive research activities in academia and industry. With the recent advances in Communication & network technology, the applications in commercial security scenario become increasing essential.
Tél.: [8932587139];     Email.:
• Access Control, Anonymity, Audit • Applied Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Digital Signatures • Audit Reduction & Authentication • Authorization • Big Data Security, Privacy and Trust • Biometric Security • Blockchain • Boundary Control Devices • Certification and Accreditation • Cross-Layer Design for Security • Data and System Integrity, Database Security • Defensive Information Warfare • Denial of Service Protection, Intrusion Detection, Anti-Malware • Distributed Systems Security • Electronic Commerce
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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Dernière mise à jour: 17 juin 2024