Conférences  >  Informatique  >  Gestion des connaissances, Big Data Computing  >  Inde

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ICCBI 2023 — 5th International Conference on Computer Networks, Big Data and IoT
14 dec 2023 - 15 dec 2023 • Tiruchirappalli, Inde
CARE College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India
In this digital era, Internet of Things [IoT], big data and computer networks are dedicated to provide new innovative contributions focused towards the development and deployment of wide range of intelligent and networked information systems. Smart IoT and big data platform allows the networked devices to communicate along with the core values of volume, variety and velocity which in turn leads to the integration of Big data and IoT with advanced machine learning and other advanced techniques. This International Conference on Computer networks, Big Data and IoT [ICCBI 2023] will provide an interdisciplinary platform to bring together scientists, researchers and academicians to present and exchange the ideas of the latest research works and results related to IoT, big data and computer networking topics.
Tél.: [9894161843];     Email.:
Internet of Things AI and Machine Learning for the IoT Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in IoT Smart Sensing, Signal Processing and Analytics Human-Machine Interaction and IoT M2M/IoT Services over Distributed Networks Cloud/Fog/Edge-enabled Big Data Intelligence over IoT 6G-Enabled Internet of Things Security, Privacy, Intrusion Detection for the Internet of Things Big Data Multi-Modal Perceptual Big Data Analysis Intelligent Data Mining Machine Learning on Big Data Data Science and Scalable Computing Predictive Analytics and Simulation Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) Platform and Technologies Big Data System Reliability, Dependability, and Availability Knowledge Extraction, Discovery, and Analysis Security and Privacy-Aware Data Management Cloud Computing Cloud-centric Network Architectures Social and Mobile Cloud Applications Cloud Service Adaptation and Automation Fault Tolerance, Availability, and Reliability Distributed Ledger Technologies to Cloud Sustainable Cloud Computing Hybrid-clouds/Multi-clouds/Terminal-Edge-Cloud Integration Cloud Computing Virtualization
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