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IEEE SMC 2024 — 2024 IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
07 oct 2024 - 10 oct 2024 • Kuching, Sarawak, Malaisie
Under the overarching theme of " Sustainable Futures: Harmonizing Humanity and Technology for a Thriving World," SMC 2024 aims to create a dynamic platform for the convergence of innovative ideas, cutting-edge research, and practical solutions in the field of systems, man, and cybernetics. This conference serves as a vital junction, bringing together leading experts, scholars, practitioners, and enthusiasts from various domains. In the fast-paced era of technology and automation, it is crucial to foster sustainable development and ensure the harmonious coexistence of humans and technology. SMC 2024 will serve as a melting pot of ideas, providing a unique opportunity to explore and discuss emerging trends, challenges, and potential solutions in this rapidly evolving landscape. By facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge sharing, we aim to drive progress and shape a future that seamlessly integrates the power of technology with the well-being of humanity.
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