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CBCrypto 2024 — 5th International Workshop on Code-Based Cryptography
25 May 2024 - 26 May 2024 • Zurich, Switzerland
Code-based cryptography is the area of research that focuses on the study of cryptosystems based on error-correcting codes, following the seminal work of McEliece and Niederreiter in the late 1970s - early 1980s. These systems have shown no vulnerabilities to quantum attackers and this research branch is widely regarded as one of the most promising in the so-called area of Post-Quantum Cryptography. Current efforts in code-based cryptography are directed at producing fast, secure and efficient schemes. Research in this area has also been fostered by the recent NIST's Post-Quantum Standardization call. The goal of this two-day event is to promote this research area to an increasingly larger audience. Besides bringing together the existing community, in fact, CBCrypto aims at providing an opportunity to extend the range of participation to researchers approaching this area for the first time, or simply interested in knowing more about it. The program includes invited talks, contributed talks and dedicated discussion sessions.
Abstract submission deadline:
16 Feb 2024
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 1 February 2024