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OPTICS-12 — Optics & its Applications
15. Okt 2024 - 19. Okt 2024 • Yerevan, Armenien
Institute of Applied Problems of Physics of the NAS
The goal of this symposium is to bring together experienced and young scientists from various countries working on optics and to provide a perfect setting for their discussions of the most recent developments in that area.
Email: optics.symposium@gmail.com
Quantum optics, Quantum Information, Biophotonics, X-ray optics and applications, Beam optics, Strong field optics, Spectroscopy, Nonlinear & ultrafast optics, Fiber optics, Integrated photonics, Optical design, Optical sensing, 2D materials, Nanophotonics, Laser dynamics, Singular optics, Mathematical methods in optics

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Stand vom 28. August 2024