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School — Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation – 2025
17. Mär 2025 - 28. Mär 2025 • Firenze , Italien
Galileo Galilei Institute For Theoretical Physics
Higher structures, Moduli Spaces and Integrability
31. Mär 2025 - 02. Apr 2025 • Hamburg, Deutschland
University of Hamburg
The goal of this conference is to present a panorama of research directions in mathematics and mathematical physics related to the scientific program of our CRC 1624 „Higher structures, moduli spaces and integrability". The CRC 1624 has started in the spring of 2024. It aims to stimulate interactions between highly active topics in mathematics such as higher structures and their applications in TQFT and CFT, the geometry of moduli spaces with their applications in SUSY QFT and string theory like the swampland program, and integrability with its multitude of applications in quantum field theory and string theory. As most of the early career researchers participating in the CRC have arrived by now, we regard the first anniversary of the start of the CRC as a good time for having an opening conference. With this conference we aim to stimulate new interactions between mathematics and theoretical physics by bringing together leading representatives of these research directions.
Connecting algebra and geometry to quantum field theory and string theory
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
An Extraordinary Journey Into The Transient Sky: from restless progenitor stars to explosive multi-messenger signals
01. Apr 2025 - 04. Apr 2025 • Padova, Italien
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova
Supernovae play a key role in various issues in modern astronomy and cosmology. Current surveys have given an enormous boost to the study of transients and supernovae in particular, and it is essential to discuss the state-of-the-art before entering a golden age of the study of the transient Universe. Thanks to the synoptic surveys that will monitor every night the entire visible sky, from optical to radio, and the new-generation instrumentation that will make it possible to observe all the messengers associated with supernova explosions, from photons to neutrinos, from high-energy particles to gravitational waves, it will finally be possible to have both a statistically significant sample of events and a very detailed overview of individual events.

The study of supernovae in the Italian scientific community began in the 1960s with the work of Leonida Rosino and Roberto Barbon and subsequently received a great impulse thanks to Enrico Cappellaro, Massimo Della Valle, Laura Greggio and Massimo Turatto, who studied in Padua in the same years. With this international conference, we intend to celebrate their retirement by recalling their important contribution to the study of supernovae and discussing the still open challenges that we are ready to take up.

Reviewing the trajectory of our honorees, we will touch on topics such as the progenitors of supernovae, the search for supernovae and their rates, the supernova class zoo, supernovae in connection with gamma-ray bursts, and supernova observations in the age of multi-messenger Astronomy.

Email: sn25_loc@inaf.it
Supernova, transients, multi-wavelength, multi-messenger, observations
Generalized Symmetries: High-Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematics
07. Apr 2025 - 10. Apr 2025 • Santa Barbara, Vereinigte Staaten
UC Santa Barbara, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Over the past ten years tremendous progress has been achieved in quantum field theory thanks to the realization that symmetries can be interpreted in terms of the action of topological defects on the space of operators. This gives a generalization of the notion of symmetries, explicitly realized in many instances exploiting Lagrangian field theory techniques, uncovering a rich and unexpected landscape of physical effects in condensed matter, high energy physics, and quantum gravity. This conference will bring together the major experts in the subject, and strives to be an opportunity for participants to quickly get up to speed with the most recent advances and open problems in the field.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
GCGM — 11th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting
11. Apr 2025 - 12. Apr 2025 • Oxford, MS, Vereinigte Staaten
Anuradha Gupta
The GCGM returns to the University of Mississippi! The 11th Gulf Coast Gravity Meeting will be held at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, MS, on April 11 and 12, 2025. In keeping with its tradition, this will be an open, relaxed, and informal conference. We are inviting researchers and students interested in all areas of gravitational physics: classical and quantum gravity, general relativistic astrophysics and cosmology, quantum cosmology, gravitational waves, and experimental gravity. Because this is a regional meeting, many attendees will be from the southeastern United States, but all are welcome.
Email: gcgm11@phy.olemiss.edu.
gravity, general relativity, gravitation, gravitational waves, astrophysics, cosmology
My Favourite Dark Matter Model
14. Apr 2025 - 17. Apr 2025 • Ponta Delgada, Portugal
University of the Azores
Dark matter is a long outstanding problem in modern astrophysics and one of the biggest mysteries physicists are currently struggling to understand. Its presence throughout the Universe is inferred by its gravitational effects on normal matter. Physicists have taken different paths to approach this problem. One of the leading lines of research is to look for new matter in the form of yet unknown particles. However, a promising avenue of research is to consider modifications of General Relativity, such as the presence of higher order curvature terms which seems to provide us with an elegant geometric interpretation of the dark matter problem. This workshop has the goal of bringing together researchers, both from theory and experiment, with different views on the dark matter issue, to be presented during the talks and discussed throughout the breaks. Hopefully we may all learn from each other and foster new ideas into understanding the perplexing nature of the dynamics of the Universe and of gravity itself.
Dark Matter, Gravitation, Cosmology, Particles, Particle Physics, Observations
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
STARMUS Festival
26. Apr 2025 - 30. Apr 2025 • La Palma, Canary Islands, Spanien
Planets on the Edge
05. Mai 2025 - 08. Mai 2025 • Santa Barbara, Vereinigte Staaten
UC Santa Barbara, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Kepler and TESS missions, as well as ground-based telescopes, have discovered thousands of planets on short-period orbits around other stars, including many that are Earth-size and likely to be rocky. These objects have no direct counterparts in the Solar System, and the corresponding inner regions within the protoplanetary disks that spawned them are challenging to study. This conference will confront this challenge and advance our understanding of the nature, formation and evolution of Earth-sized planets in inner protoplanetary disks by bringing together diverse experts in exoplanet demographics, protoplanetary disks, models of disks and planet formation, and meteoritics to address four key questions: (1) what is the nature of close-in rocky planets and their atmospheres? (2) do they form in situ or migrate inwards after forming further out? (3) what are the governing parameters that could vary between star systems? and (4) why are there no analogous planets around the Sun? The conference will complement and energize the associated KITP Program by including a broader range of participants and highlighting recent observational results. The goals of the conference are to synthesize current knowledge of the properties of planets and inner disks, describe the state of the art in models of planet formation and evolution, catalyze interactions between different fields, and chart a path forward for advances in observations, theory, and computational modeling.
From Asymtptotic Symmetries to Flat Holography: Theoretical Aspects and Observable Consequences
19. Mai 2025 - 20. Jun 2025 • Firenze , Italien
Galileo Galilei Institute
Gravity and gauge theories share a rich infrared physics whose universal features manifest themselves in the context of asymptotic symmetries and their Noether charges. They clarify the soft factorization properties of scattering amplitudes, they play a role in the phenomenology of gravitational waves, and enter in the identification of new observable effects including gravitational and color memories. From the perspective of quantum gravity, they introduce new tools to understand the structure of the Hilbert space, and bring about a novel and promising approach to investigate a holographic principle for asymptotically flat spacetimes, currently pursued along two related lines: celestial and Carrollian holography. The latter exploits the Carroll structure at null infinity while the former takes advantage of powerful toolkit of conformal field theory. The vast majority of these developments have taken place in the last ten years and gave rise to research lines currently undergoing a fast growth. The proposed workshop aims at exploiting this rich and timely topic to bring together experts from all over the world, together with young researchers and students, with the goal to provide training, share results, build common grounds and foster new collaborations.
Asymptotic symmetries; Celestial holography; Carroll physics and geometry; Twistor methods; Gravitational observables; Memory effects; Conformal colliders
ASES5 — 5th Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science
26. Mai 2025 - 30. Mai 2025 • Vietri sul Mare, Italien
The 5th Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science will be held in Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy from 26 to 30 May, 2025. The School - taking place close to the enchanting Amalfi Coast - is aimed to provide a comprehensive, state-of-the-art picture of a variety of relevant aspects of the fast-developing, highly interdisciplinary field of Exoplanet research. The Lecture topics of the 5th edition of the School will be focused on the Physical and Dynamical Processes of Exoplanetary Systems, mainly covering the theoretical aspects. The Lectures will be delivered by five senior researchers to an audience of graduate students and young post-docs.
Tel.: [+39 06 7259 4566];     Email: ases5@lists.roma2.infn.it
The following key topics will be covered: Physical Processes in Protoplanetary Disks Dynamical Evolution of Exoplanetary Systems Exoplanet Interiors - from Gas Giants to Terrestrial Planets Modeling Exoplanet Atmospheres Planet Formation Models
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
ESO-Gruber summer school: From nearby worlds to distant galaxies
02. Jun 2025 - 06. Jun 2025 • Garching, Deutschland
European Southern Observatory
Are you interested in learning about how to use ground- and space-based telescope data? Are you interested in learning about a broad range of topics in astronomy? Then this summer school is the perfect opportunity for you! The ESO-Gruber summer school will provide lectures on topics of Exoplanets, Star and planet formation, Galactic astronomy, Transients, AGNs, Gravitational waves, Galaxy evolution, and high-redshift universe. The lectures will be focused on the most interesting questions currently under debate in each topic. There will also be plenty of time for hands-on experience with archival data from the current most powerful telescopes in the world; ALMA, VLA, JWST, VLT, and VLTI. The hands-on session for each telescope will have exercises on various topics covered by the school so that you can learn to use the data in a way that is most relevant to your interest.
Email: ESO-Gruber-School@eso.org
Exoplanets, Star and planet formation, Galactic astronomy, Transients, AGNs, Gravitational waves, Galaxy evolution, high-redshift universe
2025 Michigan Cosmology Summer School
02. Jun 2025 - 06. Jun 2025 • Ann Arbor, Vereinigte Staaten
University of Michigan, Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics
The 3rd Michigan Cosmology Summer School will take place in Ann Arbor, MI on June 2-6, 2025. The goal of the school is to help educate a generation of young scientists on the cutting edge developments in cosmology. Lectures will cover a broad range of topics, focusing on the interface of data and theory, and including computation, statistics, and machine-learning techniques. The format will be hybrid, with participants expected to attend in person but open to online participation as well. Outdoor activities will be organized. Registration will open in Spring 2025.
Tel.: [7346153289];     Email: huterer@umich.edu
cosmology, summer school
Scientific Machine Learning for Gravitational Wave Astronomy
02. Jun 2025 - 06. Jun 2025 • Providence, RI, Vereinigte Staaten
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, RI (ICERM)
The aim of this workshop is to bring together participants from computational mathematics and gravitational wave astronomy to tackle computational challenges in leveraging data-driven methods in key areas of gravitational wave data analysis in order to maximize the science output of the ongoing and upcoming observations. The areas of focus will be: (i) noise classification and detection, (ii) waveform modeling and uncertainty quantification, and (iii) source parameter and astrophysical population Bayesian inference.
COLOURS — Cosmological Surveys and Synergies
02. Jun 2025 - 13. Jun 2025 • Orsay, Frankreich
COLOURS is a 2-week event aimed at ensuing that early-career researchers (ECR) are prepared to make the most of Stage-IV cosmological survey data. The first week of the event (02/06/25-06/06/25) will be a 5-day summer school aimed at improving both technical (software development, machine learning, statistics) and soft skills (academic writing, transferable skills). Site visits and social activities will also be organised. The second week (10/06/25-13/06/25) will be a 4-day workshop with invited speakers. The aim will be to review key lessons learned in the analysis of Stage-III data and the scientific aspirations of on-going and upcoming Stage-IV surveys.
Organiser;     Email: samuel.farrens@cea.fr
Cosmology, machine learning, software development, academic writing, transferable skills
246th AAS Meeting — 246th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
04. Jun 2025 - 08. Jun 2025 • Anchorage, AK, Vereinigte Staaten
American Astronomical Society (AAS)
One of the central features of the AAS Summer and Winter Meetings is their plenary talks spanning the full breadth of astrophysics. Some plenaries are given by prize winners from the AAS and other organizations, while other speakers are selected by the AAS Vice Presidents. Most plenary talks present science content, but talks on the state of the profession, demographics, and societal issues of relevance to the astronomical community are also regularly scheduled.
DemystiCon 2025 — Beyond the Big Bang
12. Jun 2025 - 16. Jun 2025 • Sesimbra, Vereinigte Staaten
Demysticon 2025 is all about the changing paradigms of astrophysics and cosmology. Join DEMYSTICON and take part in a community of experts, investigators, and enthusiasts. Our annual event this year in Sesimbra (June 12-16) includes a weekend of talks, panels, and discussions about the successes and failures of the standard models, the new ideas that seem most promising, and what it will take to achieve revolutionary insight into the mechanics of the universe.
Event Secretariat;     Email: demystifysci@gmail.com
Demysticon 2025, Beyond the Big Bang, astrophysics conference, cosmology conference, alternative cosmology, paradigm shift in physics, Big Bang alternatives, Eric Lerner, Alexander Unzicker, See the Pattern, Mike McCulloch, C.S. Unnikrishnan, André Koch Torres Assis, Martín López Correiroira, Indranil Banik, Michael Shilo DeLay, Anastasia Bendebury, Sesimbra science event, scientific revolution, physics debates, new physics theories, expanding universe, plasma cosmology, modified gravity, cosmological redshift, dark matter alternatives, dark energy debate, standard model critique, quantum gravity, space-time reconsideration, astrophysical anomalies, general relativity alternatives, observational cosmology, cutting-edge physics, future of cosmology, radical physics ideas, fundamental physics conference, scientific community, independent researchers, astrophysical discoveries
IWNT42 — 42nd International Workshop on Nuclear Theory
29. Jun 2025 - 05. Jul 2025 • Borovetz Resort, Rila Mountains, Bulgarien
Nuclear Theory Laboratory (NTL) of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE) of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS)
The International Workshop on Nuclear Theory (IWNT) is annually organized since 1980. The aim of the Workshop is to provide an international forum for exchange of ideas, discussions and collaboration between researchers in nuclear physics and related areas.
Email: nthlrila@gmail.com
nuclear structure and reactions, nuclear equation of state and symmetry energy, symmetries and dynamics, collective and intrinsic motions of nuclei, exotic nuclei, few-body and many-fermion systems, nuclear astrophysics and related topics
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
Foundations2025 — 22nd European Conference on Foundations of Physics
30. Jun 2025 - 02. Jul 2025 • Gdańsk, Polen
The International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) at the University of Gdańsk (UG)
The International Centre for Theory of Quantum Technologies (ICTQT) at the University of Gdańsk (UG) is announcing the 22nd European Conference on Foundations of Physics. This is a continuation of the series of conferences in 1992. During this three-day event physicists working in foundations, mathematicians, and philosophers of science will have an opportunity to exchange ideas and their latest results covering topics such as foundational aspects of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, classical and quantum theories of gravity, thermal and statistical physics, astrophysics, cosmology and other.
Tel.: [+48585235180];     Email: krzysztof.dabrowski@ug.edu.pl
quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, classical and quantum theories of gravity, thermal and statistical physics, astrophysics, cosmology
BEACON — Biennial European Astrobiology Conference
01. Jul 2025 - 05. Jul 2025 • Reykjavik, Island
European Astrobiology Institute
Main Organiser;     Tel.: [0046723691155];     Email: wgeppert@fysik.su.se
astrophysics, astrochemistry, planetary sciences, atmospheric sciences, geophysics, exoplanets, evolutionary biology, extremophiles, epistemology
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
15. Feb 2025
Gravity - New perspectives from strings and higher dimensions
06. Jul 2025 - 18. Jul 2025 • Benasque , Spanien
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
Graduate School ISAPP2025 — Gravitational Waves: From Theory to Detection
07. Jul 2025 - 18. Jul 2025 • Vienna, Österreich
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)
Bad Honnef Physics School — A New Era in Exoplanet Atmosphere Observation and Characterisation
20. Jul 2025 - 25. Jul 2025 • Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Deutschland
Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation
Understanding cosmological observations
20. Jul 2025 - 02. Aug 2025 • Benasque , Spanien
Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
04. Aug 2025 - 08. Aug 2025 • Rio de Janeiro, Brasilien
Email: hepro9@iar-conicet.gov.ar
Code/Astro 2025 [apply by Feb 1]
04. Aug 2025 - 08. Aug 2025 • Evanston, IL, Vereinigte Staaten
Do you want to develop your own open-source software in Python? Apply to attend Code/Astro!
Email: sarah.blunt.3@gmail.com
software, open-source, astronomy
SFDE2025 — Star Formation in Different Environments
11. Aug 2025 - 15. Aug 2025 • Quy Nhơn, Vietnam
ICISE, Quy Nhơn, Vietnam
Following the successful series of the "Star Formation in Different Environments" (SFDE) conferences held in 2016, 2017, and 2022 at ICISE, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, we are excited to reconvene for the next edition from August 11th to 15th, 2025. This conference will focus on the latest advancements in star formation studies, leveraging the unparalleled capabilities of state-of-the-art facilities such as ALMA and JWST. We aim to deepen our understanding of the physical processes occurring across a variety of environments, from individual stars and molecular clouds to entire galaxies.

In addition to the main conference, we will hold a bootcamp on August 9th-10th for young researchers and students. This bootcamp will provide foundational training in star formation research and observational techniques, with a particular focus on using the JWST.

Organizer;     Tel.: [+33-752071661];     Email: Qnguyen@aup.edu
astronomy, star formation, JWST, ALMA, Interstellar Medium
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
30. Apr 2025
The Third Penn State SETI Symposium
18. Aug 2025 - 21. Aug 2025 • State College, PA, Vereinigte Staaten
Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center
This symposium will be a broad look at SETI, including new technosignature search results and upper limits, new search methodologies and instrumentation, theory, and social aspects of the field including the post-detection protocols, message construction, and the historical roots of the field. Interdisciplinarity will be emphasized. As with previous instances, we encourage the submission of proposals for breakout sessions for workshops, tutorials, or special sessions on narrower topics. Early career researchers are especially encouraged to attend.
The PSETI Center;     Email: PSETI.symposium@gmail.com
SETI, astrobiology, technosignatures
New Physics from Galaxy Clustering at GGI
25. Aug 2025 - 03. Nov 2025 • Firenze , Italien
Galileo Galilei Institute
This workshop aims at catalyzing the joint efforts of particle physicists and cosmologists towards the exploration of new physics with large cosmological datasets. The workshop is structured to encompass three thematic weeks dedicated to model building and testing fundamental physics in cosmology, developing novel theoretical tools to search for new physics in cosmological observables, and discussing the potential of next generation experiments to probe the plethora of new physics signals. A symposium with summary talks will conclude the workshop. A concurrent school is planned, with the aim of addressing the evolving landscape of this new field and helping participants catch up with recent developments and novel tools. An important feature of the workshop is a designated focus week, devoted to the initiation of a much-needed community white paper, summarizing the new and well-motivated particle physics models that can be tested in cosmology in the light of upcoming data and planned future experiments. The workshop nicely aligns with the expected data releases from DESI and Euclid.
MAGIC2025 — 2nd Workshop on Matter, Astrophysics, Gravitation, Ions and Cosmology
01. Sep 2025 - 04. Sep 2025 • Buenos Aires, Argentinien
The activities of the workshop will focus on an educational program based on lectures, formal and informal discussions aimed at introducing participants in general and students in particular to new trends in theoretical and experimental research on Matter, Astrophysics, Gravitation, Ions, and Cosmology, topics summarized in the acronym MAGIC.
Tel.: [+5551983571902];     Email: cesaraugustozenvasconcellos@gmail.com
New phenomena and new states of matter in the Universe, General relativity, gravitation, modified gravity theories and cosmology, White dwarfs, neutron stars, pulsars and black holes, Gamma-ray emission in the Universe, high energy cosmic rays and gravitational waves, Strong magnetic fields in compact stars and in galaxies, Strange matter, strange stars, quark stars and magnetars, The cosmic microwave background and the stochastic gravitational wave background, Dark matter and dark energy, Matter and antimatter in the Universe, Heavy ion collisions and the quark-gluon plasma, High energy particle physics and astroparticles,
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
New Avenues for Classical and Quantum Cosmology
01. Sep 2025 - 05. Sep 2025 • Camerino, Italien
University of Camerino
The conference ‘Astrophysics in Le Marche 2’ will convene leading experts to discuss the latest advancements in multimessenger astrophysics and precision cosmology, including both theoretical and observational aspects. This event aims to provide a comprehensive international overview of the most recent findings, fostering collaboration and inspiring new directions in the study of the entire universe.
Email: astromarche2@gmail.com
Cosmology, Astronomy, Particle physics, Astroparticles, Astrophysics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, early universe, Black Holes, Cosmological tensions, Gravitation Theories, Quantum Cosmology, Thermodynamics, Accreation Disks
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
ESI Workshop — Putting the Cosmic Large-scale Structure on the Map: Theory Meets Numbers
22. Sep 2025 - 26. Sep 2025 • Universität Wien, Österreich
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)
ZIHUAGN Redemption: Central kpc Region
27. Okt 2025 - 31. Okt 2025 • Zihuatanejo, Mexiko
Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica. Instituto de Astronomía. UNAM
We are hereby announcing the ZIHUAGN Redemption: Central kpc Region congress, which will take place in the beautiful town of Zihuatanejo, México, from October 27 to 31, 2025.

The central kiloparsec of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) is one of the most dynamic and complex regions in the universe, where extreme physical conditions shape the accretion, feedback, and energy transfer processes that influence galaxy evolution. This meeting will bring together researchers working on the key components of this region—accretion disks, broad line regions, dusty tori, jets, and outflows—through multi-wavelength observations and theoretical modeling. Our goal is to develop a comprehensive picture of AGN physics and its role in shaping galaxies over cosmic time. Zihuatanejo, a serene Pacific town, holds a special place in cinema history as the idyllic refuge where Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman’s characters reunite in The Shawshank Redemption. Beyond its cinematic charm, Zihuatanejo offers stunning beaches, rich culture, and warm hospitality—an inspiring setting for scientific exchange and collaboration.

Join us for an exciting and insightful meeting in a place that, much like the AGN central region, promises discovery and redemption.

Email: zihuagn@irya.unam.mx
Inflows and Winds/Outflows, Jets, Torus and connection with the circumnuclear star-formation, Disk/corona and BLR, Dual and binary AGN
Highly Accreting Supermassive Black Holes Across all Cosmic Times: from the Local Universe to Cosmic Dawn
01. Dez 2025 - 05. Dez 2025 • Santiago, Chile
European Southern Observatory - Chile
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are among the most dynamic and powerful sources in the universe, powered by supermassive black holes (SMBHs) through mass accretion. The accretion rate influences many AGN properties, with high accretion rates playing a key role in growing black holes and launching outflows that may shape the host galaxy's growth. The workshop will gather astronomers to summarize the field’s current status, bridging the accretion history from the early to the local Universe, and explore the mechanisms driving their growth and impact on the Universe.
Email: agn2025_loc@eso.org
247th AAS Meeting — 247th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
04. Jan 2026 - 08. Jan 2026 • Phoenix, AZ, Vereinigte Staaten
One of the central features of the AAS Summer and Winter Meetings is their plenary talks spanning the full breadth of astrophysics. Some plenaries are given by prize winners from the AAS and other organizations, while other speakers are selected by the AAS Vice Presidents. Most plenary talks present science content, but talks on the state of the profession, demographics, and societal issues of relevance to the astronomical community are also regularly scheduled.
252nd AAS Meeting — 252nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society
11. Jun 2028 - 15. Jun 2028 • Madison, WI, Vereinigte Staaten
American Astronomical Society (AAS)
One of the central features of the AAS Summer and Winter Meetings is their plenary talks spanning the full breadth of astrophysics. Some plenaries are given by prize winners from the AAS and other organizations, while other speakers are selected by the AAS Vice Presidents. Most plenary talks present science content, but talks on the state of the profession, demographics, and societal issues of relevance to the astronomical community are also regularly scheduled.
255th AAS Meeting — 255th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
09. Jan 2030 - 14. Jan 2030 • National Harbor, MD, Vereinigte Staaten
American Astronomical Society (AAS)
One of the central features of the AAS Summer and Winter Meetings is their plenary talks spanning the full breadth of astrophysics. Some plenaries are given by prize winners from the AAS and other organizations, while other speakers are selected by the AAS Vice Presidents. Most plenary talks present science content, but talks on the state of the profession, demographics, and societal issues of relevance to the astronomical community are also regularly scheduled.

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