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DAS/DAGA 2025 – 51st Annual Meeting on Acoustics
17. Mär 2025 - 20. Mär 2025 • Copenhagen, Dänemark
DAS | DAGA 2025 marks the seventh in the series promoted by DEGA to encourage cooperation and exchange across borders. The technical program will feature plenary lectures, invited and contributed talks, a nd poster presentations covering all aspects of acoustics. Additional special events will focus on Early Career Acousticians, Acoustics in Industry, and public outreach. Excursions to relevant institutions and a social evening in the historic “VEGA” in the heart of Copenhagen will be planned. DAS | DAGA 2025 marks the seventh in the series promoted by DEGA to encourage cooperation and exchange across borders. Following Austria, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands and Italy, we are pleased to extend this horizon to a Nordic country. Organizing this collaborative event is particularly exciting. The conference will be in the spirit of the rich Danish tradition in Acoustics. It is almost impossible to mention acoustic measurements, hearing aids, loudspeakers, or room acoustics without acknowledging the strong visibility of both the Danish industry and the country's scientific community.
Wind Turbine Noise International Conference 2025
10. Jun 2025 - 13. Jun 2025 • Copenhagen, Dänemark
DTU Wind (Department of Wind and Energy Systems, Technical University of Denmark)
The Wind Turbine Noise international conference series aim to bring together the latest information on noise and vibration from wind turbines. They provide a venue for researchers on wind turbine noise and its effects on people to meet together and also to meet with those who design wind turbine installations, both in industry and in the planning process. The 2025 Wind Turbine Noise conference will take place over 4 days. The first three days will be focused on technical sessions dealing with various topics related to wind turbine noise, ranging from engineering methods and solutions, legal issues, to the perception and impact of noise by/on neighbors. Each session will convene experts presenting their latest research and findings. Time will be allocated for Q&A and further discussions. The fourth day will address more general aspects of the current knowledge on wind turbine noise and its impact and perspectives in this field. This will take the form of open forums and group discussions.

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Stand vom 27. Januar 2025