Since 2014, HTCC workshops have tackled the most fascinating achievements in both experimental methods and theoretical approaches, that have recently brought structural research to the forefront of natural sciences. We try to bring together leading experts in selected domains as lecturers, and motivated scientists in crystallography or related fields as “students”, who may come from both academia and industry, and who are interested in acquiring new knowledge on cutting-edge methods in structural science and exploring ways to apply them in their ongoing research. Since HTCC4 held in 2019, HTCCs are dedicated exclusively to macromolecular crystallography and are taking place in Dubrovnik, one of the most shiny gems of the entire Mediterranean. The IUCr Newsletter (No. 2, 2023) published a comprehensive report from the HTCC5. This year, we are proudly inviting you to the sixth edition of the series, HTCC6 – advanced macromolecular crystallography workshop, which will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from 7th to 12th April, 2024.