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ESRF 2025 user meeting
10. Feb 2025 - 12. Feb 2025 • Grenoble, Frankreich
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
Whether you're a seasoned ESRF user or a newcomer, the tutorials of the first day are designed to enhance your understanding and utilisation of the facility's cutting-edge tools and techniques. The plenary session on the second day of the meeting will feature thought leaders and pioneers in synchrotron radiation science, sharing their latest discoveries and future directions. These talks will not only inspire but also provide a platform for discussing the significant impact of synchrotron research on important scientific fields. And finally, the User Dedicated Microsymposia (UDM), on the third day, are tailored to specific research areas, offering a dive into specialised topics and an opportunity for users to present their own results in these areas. These sessions facilitate networking, collaboration, and knowledge exchange among researchers with shared interests and challenges.
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
WORKSHOP — Physics and Mathematics of crystallographic orientation
10. Feb 2025 - 12. Feb 2025 • CIRM (Marseille Luminy), Frankreich
CIRM – Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques
The properties of heterogenous materials are governed by the arrangement of their nanoscale constituents. This is especially true for hierarchically organized biomaterials such as bone, tendon, wood but also for technical materials such as steel, concrete or ceramics. In particular, the understanding of orientations in 3D is a key factor to predict the physical properties of current materials, model their properties more faithfully and to propose ways to improve future materials for fields such as medicine, energy storage, composite structures or low carbon construction materials. The aim of this workshop is to assemble the communities of Material Scientists, Physicists and Mathematicians working on methods to determine orientation distributions on the nano- and crystal scale in 2D and 3D, and to stimulate a discussion on existing techniques, their computational limitations and ways to improve them, with a particular focus on their mathematical underpinnings.

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Stand vom 21. August 2024