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Radiolysy Workshop — 14th International Workshop on Radiolysis, Electrochemistry, and Material Performance
24. Sep 2025 • Busan, Republik Korea
Korean Nuclear Society
The 1st workshop on light water reactor (LWR) coolant radiolysis and electrochemistry was held in 1998, aiming to foster discussion and knowledge exchange on the fundamental principles of water radiolysis, electrochemistry, and their practical applications. The workshop will delve into diverse aspects of aqueous electrochemistry, radiation chemistry, and irradiation-induced corrosion, with an emphasis on topics critical to all stages of the nuclear cycle.
Radiolysis, Radiation Chemistry, Electrochemistry
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
15th International Conference on Radiation Shielding and 23rd Topical Meeting of the Radiation Protection and Shielding Division
18. Mär 2026 - 20. Mär 2026 • Jeju Island, Republik Korea
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
The purpose of this joint conference is to ensure attendees leave with renewed interest in their field of expertise by exposing them to the new tools for developers, code users, theoreticians, and experimentalists to engage in productive discussions, establish collaborations, and build community in the foreground of scientific advancements and challenges in radiation protection and shielding.

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Stand vom 20. Januar 2025