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NSP2025 — XVII. International Conference on Nuclear Structure Properties
25. Jun 2025 - 27. Jun 2025 • Sivas, Türkiye
Sivas Cumhuriyet University
The NSP conference series is a technical event which focuses on advances in nuclear structure, astrophysics, nuclear reactions, nuclear energy, high energy physics, AI in nuclear physics and other related topics. The purpose of this conference series is to provide a platform for researchers, academicians, and practitioners to make them familiar with recent advances in nuclear sciences. The organization committee accepts a wide range of papers to encourage young and experienced researchers to present their work and the possibility of initiating mutual collaboration with internationally renowned researchers and experts of the relevant industries. The conference format comprises of multiple sessions and the selected works in these sessions are based on substantial and novel research.
Tel.: [+905057101354];     Email: nsp2025@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
nuclear structure, astrophysics, nuclear reactions, nuclear energy, high energy physics, AI in nuclear physics, radiation physics

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Stand vom 26. Januar 2025