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IWSO-11 — 11th International Workshop on Semiconductor Oxides
03. Mär 2025 - 06. Mai 2025 • Tempe, Vereinigte Staaten
Arizona State University, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy
The aim of this workshop is to provide a platform for oxide semiconductor researchers from all over the world from academia and industry to present their latest research results, communicate new ideas with colleague’s face to face, and find partners for future collaboration. The workshop will connect the latest research of academia with industry focus and interest. The highlight of the meeting is the latest developments in oxide semiconductors and transparent conducting oxides such as Ga2O3, ZnO, SnO, SrTiO3, etc. and their alloys, covering materials and devices.
Conference Chair;     Email: farida.selim@asu.edu
Metal Oxide Photoresists, Radiation Effects, Phase Transformation in Oxide Semiconductors, Compensating Defects and Transition Levels, Bulk Crystals and Thin Films Growth, Alloys (e.g. AlGa2O3, ZnMgO, IGZO), Oxide Semiconductors for High Power Devices and Optoelectronics, Transparent Conducting Oxides, Band Structure, Electrical and Optical Properties, Surface and Interface Electronic Properties, Defect Studies by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy and Other Techniques, Defect Modeling, Doping, Schottky Junction Formation and Devices, Diluted Semiconductors for Spintronic Devices, TFTs for Display Applications, High Frequency Transistors, Optoelectronic, Piezoelectric, Acousto-Optic, Gas, Chemical and Biosensors, Polarization Engineered Device Concepts, Oxide Semiconductor Nanostructures and Thin Film

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Stand vom 10. Januar 2025