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ICCMC 2024 — 8th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication
22 oct 2024 - 23 oct 2024 • Erode, Tamil Nadu, Inde
Surya Engineering College
ICCMC, now in its 8th year, will be held in Tamil Nadu (India), during 22-23, October 2024, as an international conference with a theme on “Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Networking and Digital Connectivity”. Being an annual scholarly event hosted by Surya Engineering College (SEC), ICCMC is constantly serving as a platform to discuss the research progress in mobile computing and communication systems research. Artificial Intelligence is constantly at the forefront of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Research, and has found its application in many commercial systems such as distributed sensor systems, ambient intelligence and smart cities. ICCMC particularly welcomes the emerging research work on methodologies and techniques that bridge the theoretical and empirical research gap in all the computing and communication domains.
Tél.: [9789653809];     Email.:
Track — 1 | Experiential Intelligence in User-Centric Networking AI-driven user-centric networking Personalized content delivery using AI Context-aware networking and ambient intelligence Human-centric AI interfaces for networking AI-driven augmented and virtual reality Emotional intelligence in human-AI collaboration Adaptive user experience through deep learning Track — 2 | Cognitive Networks for Autonomous Connectivity Reinforcement learning for self-optimizing networks Explainable AI in autonomous decision-making Swarm intelligence in network resource allocation Federated learning for edge intelligence Self-healing and self-configuring network architectures Quantum-inspired algorithms for network optimization Bio-inspired networking models and Neuro-inspired computing Track — 3 | Next-Generation Communication Technologies B5G and AI synergy for enhanced connectivity AI applications in software-defined networking Virtualization and AI in communication networks Blockchain and AI for secure communication Quantum computing and communication AI driven network security analytics Cognitive radio networks AI-driven network slicing Collaborative intelligence in communication systems
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
12 jul 2024
Identifiant de l'évènement:
ICASSP 2025 — 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
06 avr 2025 - 11 avr 2025 • Hyderabad, Inde
Signal Processing Society
ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications. It offers a comprehensive technical program presenting all the latest development in research and technology in the industry that attracts thousands of professionals annually.
signal processing
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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