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Dagstuhl Research Meeting — Aligning Technology Architectures with Cross-Domain Metadata Models
06 Oct 2024 - 11 Oct 2024 • Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
Data-sharing across domain and infrastructure boundaries is becoming more common, and significant work has been done in aligning many of the standard model describing the information and data being exchanged. In order to guarantee the scalability and practicality of data-sharing implementations, these standard models need to be aligned with the emerging technology architectures designed to support exchange networks at this scale. This workshop will look at how the standard metadata models for cross-domain use - including DDI-CDI and related models - and architectural approaches can best be used to leverage the strengths of both.
Event listing ID:
Software Architecture Camp - Foundation Level
07 Oct 2024 - 10 Oct 2024 • Munich, Germany
Organizer: Akademie
Das Foundation-Level (CPSA-F) ist der Ausgangspunkt für Ihre Reise zur Zertifizierung als Softwarearchitekt:in. In diesem intensiven Training erwerben Sie die Fähigkeiten, um klare Anforderungen in robuste Softwarestrukturen umzusetzen. Unsere hochqualifizierten Trainer:innen teilen ihr Wissen und ihre umfangreiche Erfahrung mit Ihnen. Das CPSA-F-Zertifikat ist ein bedeutender Meilenstein, der Ihre Fähigkeiten und Ihr Verständnis für Softwarearchitektur bestätigt. Erleben Sie ein einzigartiges Training mit spannenden Diskussionen. Profitieren Sie von dem umfangreichen Wissen der besten Softwarearchitekturexpert:innen und bietet Ihnen eine fundierte und pragmatische Einführung in Softwarearchitektur mit hohem Übungsanteil.
Contact: Akademie;     Email:
Software Architecture Camp, Foundation, Workshop Soft Skills, Softwarearchitekt, iSAQB-Zertifizierung
Event listing ID:
Dagstuhl Research Meeting — Evaluating and Refining Cross-Domain Metadata Exchange Frameworks
13 Oct 2024 - 18 Oct 2024 • Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
Through a series of Dagstuhl hosted workshops, and the CODATA-DDI collaboration, we have developed a framework for cross-domain interoperability, published by the EC-funded WorldFAIR project. This framework is being employed both within data intensive science and and between the scientific world and the world of official data, collected to inform policy making, including in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals and other components of the UN Agenda. The effective use and uptake of such a framework will require methodologies to evaluate implementations. This workshop will explore such approaches, building on current work for FAIR assessment, and the experience gained from implementation in a range of case studies, including those in WorldFAIR. The workshop will focus on improvements to evaluation metrics, and to the metadata exchange frameworks themselves.
Event listing ID:
Dagstuhl-Seminar — Semirings in Databases, Automata, and Logic
16 Feb 2025 - 21 Feb 2025 • Schloss Dagstuhl – Wadern, Germany
Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH
Semirings are fundamental algebraic structures that in recent times have found a number of applications to computer science, especially in the areas of databases and automata. On the side of databases, commercial query languages, such as SQL, use bag semantics, instead of set semantics, to evaluate relational database queries, which means that the semiring of the natural numbers is used to annotate tuples in the input and output relations. More generally, the annotations can be values in some fixed semiring; this gives a common generalization of both set semantics and bag semantics of database queries, and also makes it possible to model other situations in which one is interested, e.g., in the probability or the reliability of an answer. Furthermore, semirings of polynomials have been successfully used to carry out a rigorous study of provenance in databases. On the side of automata, semirings are used to define weighted automata, which are nondeterministic finite automata augmented with values from a semiring as weights on the transitions. These weights may model, e.g., the cost involved when executing a transition, the amount of resources or time needed for this, or the probability or reliability of its successful execution. Weighted automata have found numerous applications to natural language processing, speech recognition, and algorithms for digital image compression. These applications have inspired numerous investigations in the logic-in-computer-science community.
Event listing ID:
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Last updated: 27 June 2024