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The Royal Geographical Society — Annual International Conference 2024
27 Aug 0224 - 30 Aug 2024 • London , United Kingdom
The Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers
The RGS-IBG Annual International Conference regularly attracts over 2,000 geographers from around the world.
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21. Kartographiehistorisches Colloquium
04 Sep 2024 - 07 Sep 2024 • Basel , Switzerland
D-A-CH-Arbeitsgruppe für Kartographiegeschichte
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Amsterdam Map Fair
07 Sep 2024 • Amsterdam, Netherlands
The First International Amsterdam Map map fair will be held on Saturday in 7 September 2024 in the Amsterdam Scheepvaart Museum (Maritime Museum), Kattenburgerplein 1, 1018 KK Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The museum is a scenic 19 minutes walk from Amsterdam Central station [ directions from CS ] or a 10 minutes tram ride away. The 30 participation map dealers from The Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, United States, Germany and Italy will offer for sale a large range of antique sea charts, maps and city plans of all parts of the world, globes and atlases.
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Primer Simposio Colombiano de Historia de la Geografía y la Cartografía
11 Sep 2024 - 13 Sep 2024 • Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
12th International FIG Workshop on the Land Administration Domain Model & 3D Land Administration
24 Sep 2024 - 26 Sep 2024 • Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
The workshop aims to bring together experts from the industry, government, and academia, to present and discuss LADM and/or 3D LA related developments including live demonstrations of LADM implementations (operational systems, pilots, prototypes). The workshop will also cover informal or customary rights (, restrictions, resposibilities) as exiting in many countries, next to the more formal rights that are being registered. UN-Habitat is using the LADM specialization STDM (Social Tenure Domain Model) in 17 countries to register these informal/customary rights. Also, UN-FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization)'s SOLA (Solutions for Open Land Administration)/Open Tenure and USAID's MAST (Mobile Applications to Secure Tenure) infomation models are all based on LADM. Speakers who want to share their experiences on implementation are cordially invited to participate. This workshop will provide solid input to the "Implementation" part of Edition II of LADM, to be developed in collaboration with OGC. The workshop should enable making important choices, such as the technical encodings.
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The International Map Collectors' Society annual symposium
16 Oct 2024 - 19 Oct 2024 • Valletta, Malta
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Imago Melitae 2024 — 41st IMCoS International Symposium
16 Oct 2024 - 19 Oct 2024 • Valetta, Malta
The Malta Map Society
The Malta Map Society has been honoured to host the 41st International IMCoS Symposium in Malta. This will be the second time that the Society will be hosting the IMCoS International Symposium which was last held in Malta in 2011. The Symposium which will be named Imago Melitae 2024: 41st IMCoS International Symposium is scheduled for 16 – 19 October 2024. Six lectures by well-known figures in the cartographical world will be given along with visits to the National Library, MUZA, and Lascaris War Rooms in Valletta, the Maritime Museum and the Inquisitors Palace in Vittoriosa and the National and Ecclesiastical Archives in Rabat and Mdina.
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26 Nov 2024 - 27 Nov 2024 • Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Laboratoire d'Analyse et de Recherche sur les Sociétés et Civilisations (LARSOC) Université Alassane Ouattara, Département d'Histoire
L’INTÉGRATION OUEST-AFRICAINE : AJUSTEMENTS OU REMISE EN CAUSE ? L’intégration des États ouest-africaine enregistre indiscutablement de véritables retombées dans plusieurs domaines. Ces satisfactions ne cachent pas pour autant de graves crises nées des mésententes et divergences entre États membres. Au sein de la CEDEAO, le point culminant des divergences survint avec l’annonce du retrait du Mali, du Burkina Faso et du Niger le 28 janvier 2024. Cette sortie de ces pays de la Communauté provoqua non seulement des répercussions dépassant largement les frontières politiques, mais fit planer de sombres jours sur libre circulation des personnes, de leurs biens et le développement socioéconomique sous-régional. Quels sont les fondements de cette décision de quitter la CEDEAO ? S'inscrit-elle dans la logique de rejets des instruments de gestion des crises ? Ne s’agit-il pas plutôt d’aspirations à des réajustements face aux nouveaux enjeux sécuritaires ? À quel type d’intégration les ouest-africains aspirent ardemment-ils ?
Président du Comité d'organisation +225/0707194578;     Email:
Intégration, ouest-africaine, en cause, réactualisation, politique
Event listing ID:
Related subject(s):
The Royal Geographical Society — Annual International Conference 2025
26 Aug 2025 - 29 Aug 2025 • London , United Kingdom
The Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers
The RGS-IBG Annual International Conference regularly attracts over 2,000 geographers from around the world.
Event listing ID:
International Map Collectors' Society — 2025 conference
11 Sep 2025 - 14 Sep 2025 • Portland, Maine, United States
International Map Collectors' Society
The Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Research in Portland, Maine will host the 2025 conference utilizing the University of Southern Maine facilities. The Conference title is “New Perspectives on Mapping New England and Maritime Canada.”
Event listing ID:
1583675 offers, as part of its business activities, a directory of upcoming scientific and technical meetings. The calendar is published for the convenience of conference participants and we strive to support conference organisers who need to publish their upcoming events. Although great care is being taken to ensure the correctness of all entries, we cannot accept any liability that may arise from the presence, absence or incorrectness of any particular information on this website. Always check with the meeting organiser before making arrangements to participate in an event!

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Last updated: 1 June 2024