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ESI Workshop — Quantum Many-body Systems and Bose-Einstein Condensation: A Mathematical Physics Perspective
24. Nov 2025 - 28. Nov 2025 • Universität Wien, Österreich
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)
The rigorous mathematical analysis of many-body systems in quantum mechanics has been an important subdiscipline of Mathematical Physics for many decades, and has led to numerous fruitful connections between various aspects of physics and mathematics. The goal of this workshop is to bring together the key players in this and adjacent fields, to discuss the current state-of-the-art as well as possible future directions. We will also use the occasion of the workshop to honor the achievements of Jakob Yngvason, who will celebrate his 80th birthday in 2025.
ESI Workshop — Probabilistic Mass Transport - from Schrödinger to Stochastic Analysis
09. Feb 2026 - 13. Feb 2026 • Universität Wien, Österreich
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI)

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Stand vom 30. Dezember 2024