Konferenzen  >  Physik  >  Thermodynamik, Hydrodynamik und Statistische Mechanik  >  Vereinigte Staaten

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Geometry of Materials, Packings and Rigid Frameworks
29. Jan 2025 - 02. Mai 2025 • Providence, RI, Vereinigte Staaten
Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM)
Given an incidence structure, one may model a variety of geometric problems. This Semester Program will revolve around two fundamental examples and their applications to modern challenges in the study, analysis, and design of materials. (1) Packings and patterns of circles where the underlying combinatorics are mixed with advanced geometric concepts and strong links are made to discrete differential geometry. (2) The rigidity and flexibility of bar-joint structures where real algebraic geometry is intertwined with sparse graph theory and matroidal techniques. A prime objective of the program is to advance the applicability of these topics to fundamental applications, most notably in statistical physics and materials science.

The program will integrate diverse fields of discrete mathematics, geometry, theoretical computer science, mathematical biology, and statistical and soft matter physics. Various workshops will be designed to attract both theoretical and applied practitioners and to stimulate the cross-fertilization of ideas between these disparate communities.

ICERM;     Email: info@icerm.brown.edu
Workshop for Research and Workforce Development in Fluid Mechanics
09. Mai 2025 - 11. Mai 2025 • Lincoln, Nebraska, Vereinigte Staaten
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Avery Hall

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Stand vom 17. Februar 2025