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CRPA — Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA) 2025 Annual Conference - Forging the Future
26. Mai 2025 - 30. Mai 2025 • Hamilton, Kanada
Canadian Radiation Protection Association
Since 1979, the Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA) has been advancing the development and communication of scientific knowledge and practical means for protecting people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation. The Local Organizing Committee is pleased to continue the Association’s mission by hosting the 44th Annual CRPA conference in Hamilton, Ontario. This event brings together members and non-members from industry, healthcare, research, and government to share, discuss and network on topics associated with radiation and radiation protection. We look forward to seeing you in May for this important event.
Event Secretariat;     Tel.: [001-613-253-3779];     Email: secretariat@crpa-acrp.org
Radiation Protection, Health Physics, Radiation Safety, Radiological Risk

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Stand vom 10. November 2024