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ECPD 2025 — 6th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics
07. Apr 2025 - 10. Apr 2025 • Prag, Tschechische Republik
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
08. Jan 2025
Verwandte Fachgebiete:
31. SPPT — 31. Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology
15. Jun 2026 - 18. Jun 2026 • Prag, Tschechische Republik
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
The Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology has a long tradition and is usually held biennially. This will be the 31st Symposium. It was originally founded for the presentation of results of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (IPP CAS) in 1967. Since 1969 it has gradually become a Czechoslovak forum in this branch and many famous foreign scientists have made presentations. Since 1993 it has been held in co-operation with the Department of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (FEE CTU) in Prague. Since 2000 the SPPT participants had the possibility to offer their original papers based on the SPPT contributions for publication in various journals. Your abstracts (without review) and full papers (after review) are published in Plasma Physics and Technology journal, indexed by Scopus. The symposium participants are from all over the world. There will be about 150-200 participants.
Email: sppt2026@plasmaconference.cz
Tokamaks and other magnetic confinement devices, Short lived plasmas (plasma focus, z-pinch, particle beam – plasma interaction, X-ray sources), Laser plasma, Non-equilibrium low temperature plasma, Thermal plasmas, Plasma in technology, biology and medicine, Fundamental plasma physics, Plasma theory and simulation
31. SPPT — 31. Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology
15. Jun 2026 - 18. Jun 2026 • Prag, Tschechische Republik
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague
The Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology has a long tradition and is usually held biennially. This will be the 31st Symposium. It was originally founded for the presentation of results of the Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (IPP CAS) in 1967. Since 1969 it has gradually become a Czechoslovak forum in this branch and many famous foreign scientists have made presentations. Since 1993 it has been held in co-operation with the Department of Physics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (FEE CTU) in Prague. Since 2000 the SPPT participants had the possibility to offer their original papers based on the SPPT contributions for publication in various journals. Your abstracts (without review) and full papers (after review) are published in Plasma Physics and Technology journal, indexed by Scopus. The symposium participants are from all over the world. There will be about 150-200 participants.
Email: sppt2026@plasmaconference.cz
Tokamaks and other magnetic confinement devices, Short lived plasmas (plasma focus, z-pinch, particle beam – plasma interaction, X-ray sources), Laser plasma, Non-equilibrium low temperature plasma, Thermal plasmas, Plasma in technology, biology and medicine, Fundamental plasma physics, Plasma theory and simulation

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