Conferences  >  Physics  >  Plasma and Gas-discharge Physics, Nuclear Fusion  >  Czech Republic

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ESCAMPIG — Europhysics Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases
09 Jul 2024 - 13 Jul 2024 • Brno, Czech Republic
Masaryk University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Plasma Physics and Technology
The ESCAMPIG is an international biennial conference traditionally recognized by the EPS (European Physical Society). The conference topics comprise basic and applied plasma research.
Atomic and molecular processes in plasmas, Transport phenomena, particle velocity distribution function, Physical basis of plasma chemistry, Plasma surface interaction (boundary layers, sheath, surface processes), Plasma diagnostics, Plasma and discharges theory and simulation, Self-organization in plasmas, dusty plasmas, Upper atmospheric plasmas and space plasmas, Low pressure plasma sources, High pressure plasma sources, Plasmas and gas flows, Laser produced plasmas
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Last updated: 1 December 2023