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UFDIM 2024 — Ultrafast Dynamic Imaging of Matter 2024
18. Nov 2024 - 20. Nov 2024 • Hamburg, Deutschland
DESY in Hamburg (Germany)
The UFDIM conference at DESY in Hamburg (Germany) focuses on new techniques for imaging the dynamics of matter on ultrafast timescales, from femtoseconds to attoseconds. We have organized sessions on the applications of ultrafast dynamic imaging in biological, chemical and material systems as well as session on electronic dynamics and emerging opportunities. A special emphasis lies on the applications of new sources, including X-ray free-electron lasers, high-harmonic sources, few-cycle laser pulses, and ultrashort electron pulses. This conference is the seventh in a row after previous conferences held in London (2006), Ischia (2009), Banff (2012), Grindelwald (2015), Crete (2018), Potsdam (online only, 2021). The conference will host invited talks and contributed posters.
BESSY users — 16th BESSY@HZB User Meeting 2024
11. Dez 2024 - 12. Dez 2024 • Berlin, Deutschland
With the series of annual user meetings we bring together our user community to intensify scientific exchange and stimulating new collaborations. The meetings will provide an overview of the many exciting and inspiring research results obtained at our facility in the past year. Plenary talks, discussions, a public lecture and a poster session will provide vast possibilities of information and discussion. The bestowals of the 'Prizes for Young Scientists' donated by the Freundeskreis Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin e.V. (FHZB) are traditional highlights of the user meetings.

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Stand vom 12. August 2024