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RAP 2025 — International Conference on Radiation Application in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medical Sciences, Engineering and Environmental Sciences
26. Mai 2025 - 30. Mai 2025 • Gournes-Heraklion, Griechenland
Sievert Association, Niš, Serbia, Sievert Consultancy, Cork, Ireland, and Hellenic Centre of Marine Research (HCMR), Anavyssos, Greece
The aim of the Conference is to provide the forum for researchers and professionals involved with the applications of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation and other connected areas, to exchange and discuss their findings and experiences. The conference topics cover various fields of physics, chemistry, biology, medical sciences, engineering, and environmental sciences.The Conference program includes invited lectures, keynote topical talks, panel discussions, special sessions, and a limited number of oral and poster presentations. Conference publications are: Book of Abstracts, containing all accepted one page abstracts, and Conference Proceedings, containing peer-reviewed full conference papers. In addition, the Conference typically arranges a special issue in a high impact factor journal. The official language of the Conference is English.
Conference Secretariat;     Tel.: [+381 64 304 5189];     Email: info@rap-conference.org
Radiobiology, Radiochemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Radiation Physics, Radiation in Medicine, Radiation Measurements, Radioecology, Radon and Thoron, Radiation Detectors, Radiation Effects, Radiation Protection, Nuclear Forensics, Radiotracers and Sealed Sources Technologies for Industrial Applications, Radiation Processing for Environmental Applications, Radiation Technologies in Industry and Environment, Artificial Intelligence in Radiation Research, Food Irradiation, Neutron and Heavy Ion Radiations, Microwave, Laser, RF and UV Radiations, Space Research, Material Science, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Physics, Medical Physics, Medical Imaging, Medical Devices, Radiotherapy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Oncology, Radiopharmacology, Cancer Research, Novelties in Covid-19 Research, Biomedicine, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biomaterials, Biopharmaceuticals, Bioengineering, Biotechnology, Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics, Bioinformatics

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