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Foundations and Applications of Relativistic Hydrodynamics
14. Apr 2025 - 16. Mai 2025 • Firenze , Italien
Galileo Galilei Institute
Relativistic fluid dynamics is a powerful universal effective theory that plays a crucial role in understanding physical systems under extreme conditions of temperature and density. These include the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in heavy-ion collisions, matter in the early universe, colliding neutron stars, and black holes in the holographic gauge-string duality. Despite its interdisciplinary applicability and long history, the scope and foundations of relativistic hydrodynamics remain active research areas today. This workshop is dedicated to gather physicists with different expertise, those committed in applying relativistic hydrodynamics to heavy-ion phenomenology and astrophysics, alongside with researchers focusing on the foundational aspects of relativistic hydrodynamics. The aim is to foster a collaborative environment that encourages a synergic and efficient exchange of ideas from complementary realms to accelerate progress on timely problems in relativistic hydrodynamics. The experimental results and phenomenology can guide theoretical advances of relativistic hydrodynamics towards real-world applications.
Quantum effects and effective field theories for hydrodynamics • Heavy ion collisions and hydrodynamics at high energy and near the QCD critical point • Spin and hydrodynamics • Stability and causality in hydrodynamics • General relativity and hydrodynamics • Bootstrap techniques and gauge/gravity duality for hydrodynamics
From Asymtptotic Symmetries to Flat Holography: Theoretical Aspects and Observable Consequences
19. Mai 2025 - 20. Jun 2025 • Firenze , Italien
Galileo Galilei Institute
Gravity and gauge theories share a rich infrared physics whose universal features manifest themselves in the context of asymptotic symmetries and their Noether charges. They clarify the soft factorization properties of scattering amplitudes, they play a role in the phenomenology of gravitational waves, and enter in the identification of new observable effects including gravitational and color memories. From the perspective of quantum gravity, they introduce new tools to understand the structure of the Hilbert space, and bring about a novel and promising approach to investigate a holographic principle for asymptotically flat spacetimes, currently pursued along two related lines: celestial and Carrollian holography. The latter exploits the Carroll structure at null infinity while the former takes advantage of powerful toolkit of conformal field theory. The vast majority of these developments have taken place in the last ten years and gave rise to research lines currently undergoing a fast growth. The proposed workshop aims at exploiting this rich and timely topic to bring together experts from all over the world, together with young researchers and students, with the goal to provide training, share results, build common grounds and foster new collaborations.
Asymptotic symmetries; Celestial holography; Carroll physics and geometry; Twistor methods; Gravitational observables; Memory effects; Conformal colliders
Exploring the energy frontier with muon beams
23. Jun 2025 - 25. Jul 2025 • Firenze , Italien
Galileo Galilei Institute
In this workshop we will explore the opportunities unleashed by progress in muon-based experiments, with particular focus on a multi-TeV muon collider. We will discuss both Standard Model precision physics and the search for new phenomena at the highest possible accelerator energies.
Topics to be discussed include: the physics of Standard Model particles at multi-TeV energies, and in particular the phenomenology across the frontier of electroweak symmetry restoration at high energy; searches for new physics at the high-energy frontier; possible uses of muon beams and related technologies for further exploration of fundamental interactions at the high-intensity frontier; synergies with other experiments in flavor, dark matter, neutrino physics, and more
New Avenues for Classical and Quantum Cosmology
01. Sep 2025 - 05. Sep 2025 • Camerino, Italien
University of Camerino
The conference ‘Astrophysics in Le Marche 2’ will convene leading experts to discuss the latest advancements in multimessenger astrophysics and precision cosmology, including both theoretical and observational aspects. This event aims to provide a comprehensive international overview of the most recent findings, fostering collaboration and inspiring new directions in the study of the entire universe.
Email: astromarche2@gmail.com
Cosmology, Astronomy, Particle physics, Astroparticles, Astrophysics, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, early universe, Black Holes, Cosmological tensions, Gravitation Theories, Quantum Cosmology, Thermodynamics, Accreation Disks

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Stand vom 27. Februar 2025